
今日、英英辞典(Advanced Learner's English Dictionary (Collins Cobuild) with CD-ROM)で引いた単語数、105語。
  1. mess
  2. vital
  3. single
  4. 1/2
  5. bite
  6. chomping
  7. impatient
  8. champing
  9. bobs
  10. jug
  11. thrilled
  12. owed
  13. hard luck
  14. mate
  15. sensible
  16. dare
  17. pot
  18. tolerate
  19. burly
  20. elbowed
  21. non-corrosive
  22. steak
  23. chapped
  24. inadequacy
  25. mock
  26. sorrow
  27. mostly
  28. acknowledges
  29. quantifier
  30. nowadays
  31. persists
  32. resigned
  33. producers
  34. relegated
  35. inability
  36. description
  37. accurate
  38. up
  39. drifted
  40. cemetery
  41. platoon
  42. overpowered
  43. loked
  44. cell
  45. closely
  46. identity
  47. jealously
  48. unity
  49. blade
  50. regiments
  51. guarded
  52. bodyguard
  53. coastguard
  54. lifeguard
  55. old guard
  56. alert
  57. consequences
  58. thoroughly
  59. humiliation
  60. charitable
  61. occasional
  62. soil
  63. compromise
  64. reforms
  65. delivery
  66. ml
  67. fl oz
  68. Warren
  69. inequality
  70. permit me to
  71. spoilt
  72. brat
  73. learnt
  74. ahead
  75. remain
  76. employee
  77. keep
  78. internal
  79. unless
  80. supper
  81. drought-stricken
  82. shipping
  83. heyday
  84. premises
  85. conservationists
  86. exploitation
  87. reckon
  88. viable
  89. insulin
  90. employ
  91. artificial
  92. intelligence
  93. advertisements
  94. trawling
  95. selection
  96. halted
  97. apply
  98. casualty
  99. whereas
  100. conflicts
  101. although
  102. intensity
  103. once
  104. worth
  105. bumped
視覚と聴覚の融合のための本題のステップ4は目標通りDVD(Hanging Up)を昨日の続きから10分くらい鑑賞。 PodcastはRocketboom (HD) » All ShowsのNollywood Looks to Improve Qualityを鑑賞。

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