今日、英英辞典(Advanced Learner's English Dictionary (Collins Cobuild) with CD-ROM)で引いた単語数、105語。
- mess
- vital
- single
- 1/2
- bite
- chomping
- impatient
- champing
- bobs
- jug
- thrilled
- owed
- hard luck
- mate
- sensible
- dare
- pot
- tolerate
- burly
- elbowed
- non-corrosive
- steak
- chapped
- inadequacy
- mock
- sorrow
- mostly
- acknowledges
- quantifier
- nowadays
- persists
- resigned
- producers
- relegated
- inability
- description
- accurate
- up
- drifted
- cemetery
- platoon
- overpowered
- loked
- cell
- closely
- identity
- jealously
- unity
- blade
- regiments
- guarded
- bodyguard
- coastguard
- lifeguard
- old guard
- alert
- consequences
- thoroughly
- humiliation
- charitable
- occasional
- soil
- compromise
- reforms
- delivery
- ml
- fl oz
- Warren
- inequality
- permit me to
- spoilt
- brat
- learnt
- ahead
- remain
- employee
- keep
- internal
- unless
- supper
- drought-stricken
- shipping
- heyday
- premises
- conservationists
- exploitation
- reckon
- viable
- insulin
- employ
- artificial
- intelligence
- advertisements
- trawling
- selection
- halted
- apply
- casualty
- whereas
- conflicts
- although
- intensity
- once
- worth
- bumped
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