今日、英英辞典(Advanced Learner's English Dictionary (Collins Cobuild) with CD-ROM)で引いた単語数、101語。
- raids
- guarantee
- casualties
- remarkably
- stabilised
- sodium
- odour
- paints
- priority
- morale
- choking
- moan
- tremble
- dimmer
- altogether
- thickens
- boils
- linen
- lower
- outspoken
- high
- profile
- run
- annoyance
- blinked
- hesitating
- auxiliary
- ideas
- necessity
- detest
- loathe
- hatred
- detested
- gut
- temporarily
- exploit
- clasp
- chain
- suite
- overhead
- fences
- huh
- holistic
- compromising
- ridiculous
- daft
- insofar as
- better
- ever
- far
- long
- much
- often
- there
- spectacular
- released
- passer-by
- obstruction
- reveal
- complacent
- nutrients
- laps
- telling
- kiss and tell
- chuckles
- time
- lively
- discourage
- persisted
- parallel
- witnessed
- accused
- unnamed
- inciting
- venture
- borrowed
- interested
- interesting
- compound interest
- self-interest
- vested interest
- heart
- agonisingly
- tropical
- reduced
- exchange rate
- insisted
- panicked
- least
- fun-loving
- industrialist
- appropriate
- extraordinary
- medal
- merit
- rating
- incorrect
- precise
- modestly
- unfortunately
- transition
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