
今日、英英辞典(Advanced Learner's English Dictionary (Collins Cobuild) with CD-ROM)で引いた単語数、100語。
  1. flattering
  2. harsh
  3. sting
  4. stung
  5. alter
  6. above
  7. vital
  8. row
  9. bright spark
  10. envious
  11. snatched
  12. ribs
  13. aromatic
  14. pines
  15. rough and tumble
  16. petrol
  17. paraffin
  18. inflammable
  19. unprovoked
  20. flipped
  21. betrayed
  22. a stab in the dark: see dark
  23. rebellion
  24. denouncing
  25. forge
  26. devious
  27. manipulative
  28. cunning
  29. extraordinary
  30. composure
  31. strewn
  32. prevailed
  33. blasts
  34. immune
  35. allegation
  36. maternal
  37. aptitude
  38. intuition
  39. deception
  40. perception
  41. subtle
  42. raiding
  43. insurrection
  44. revolt
  45. tortured
  46. chronicles
  47. deliberately
  48. verdict
  49. screenplay
  50. recognition
  51. incentives
  52. depreciation
  53. hoard
  54. procedures
  55. solemnly
  56. someday
  57. decisive
  58. poverty
  59. surveyor
  60. architect
  61. imitate
  62. anybody
  63. awkward
  64. rooks
  65. topple
  66. insensitive
  67. torment
  68. procurator fiscal
  69. pillar
  70. agony column
  71. gossip column
  72. personal column
  73. spinal column
  74. steering column
  75. hunted
  76. useless
  77. installations
  78. moan
  79. whinge
  80. confrontation
  81. thus
  82. contempt
  83. cardiac
  84. invent
  85. invention
  86. reserve
  87. gangster
  88. neglected
  89. cramps
  90. toll
  91. compassion
  92. celebrity
  93. fuselage
  94. stammer
  95. unevenly
  96. rampant
  97. discriminated
  98. conspicuous
  99. transactions
  100. coincide
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