
今日、英英辞典(Advanced Learner's English Dictionary (Collins Cobuild) with CD-ROM)で引いた単語数、100語。
  1. diagonally
  2. kidnapped
  3. anguish
  4. torture
  5. spine
  6. forensic
  7. toddlers
  8. detectives
  9. kidnap
  10. grouse
  11. moose
  12. hounds
  13. hunting
  14. witch-hunt
  15. useful
  16. trafficking
  17. pointless
  18. install
  19. groan
  20. choking
  21. tremble
  22. gripes
  23. praise
  24. familiarity breeds contempt: see familiarity
  25. plausible
  26. excuse
  27. spinning
  28. fabrication
  29. set aside
  30. to reserve judgment: see judgment
  31. to reserve the right: see right
  32. lonely
  33. contracting
  34. calf
  35. pilgrims
  36. physicians
  37. cursed
  38. impediments
  39. pinched
  40. armholes
  41. consistent
  42. incapable
  43. referendums
  44. tearful
  45. terracotta
  46. stripping
  47. riverbed
  48. boulders
  49. strew
  50. vital
  51. conference
  52. correspondent
  53. staples
  54. cruiser
  55. council
  56. disband
  57. confederation
  58. enchanted
  59. compatriot
  60. brochures
  61. oozes
  62. destabilize
  63. heap
  64. deride
  65. industrious
  66. jaundice
  67. esoteric
  68. massive
  69. free-range
  70. mess
  71. splashing
  72. blisters
  73. rubbish
  74. lit
  75. outlawed
  76. verdict
  77. lungful
  78. censorship
  79. huddled
  80. secrecy
  81. aunt
  82. telegram
  83. contempt
  84. tormentor
  85. snorted
  86. fury
  87. halted
  88. road rage
  89. raging
  90. inevitably
  91. feed
  92. tariffs
  93. swarm
  94. persist
  95. prow
  96. From stem to stern: see stem
  97. embarrassing
  98. auditorium
  99. abolition
  100. municipal
視覚と聴覚の融合のための本題のステップ4は目標通りDVD(Hanging Up)を昨日の続きから10分くらい鑑賞。
PodcastはRocketboom (HD)のThe Great Video Game Crash を鑑賞。

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