
今日、英英辞典(Advanced Learner's English Dictionary (Collins Cobuild) with CD-ROM)で引いた単語数、100語。
  1. ascent
  2. freewheeling
  3. swift
  4. ancestry
  5. gunboat
  6. second-in-command
  7. Holy Spirit
  8. sulfur
  9. perception
  10. subtle
  11. raiding
  12. executed
  13. gloomy
  14. flippant
  15. visibly
  16. deteriorated
  17. reflect
  18. intervening
  19. riding
  20. flagged
  21. paunch
  22. conjunction
  23. bleeper
  24. bound1
  25. bound2
  26. maggots
  27. trout
  28. salmon
  29. sins
  30. discard
  31. ribs
  32. prod
  33. twitching
  34. to poke fun at: see fun
  35. to poke your nose into something: see nose
  36. reeks
  37. colonial
  38. motion
  39. thwart
  40. lobby
  41. shell
  42. -goers
  43. stunning
  44. hatch
  45. legalising
  46. prisoner of conscience
  47. pang
  48. parcels
  49. shoppers
  50. lure
  51. casualties
  52. alternative
  53. reasonable
  54. averted
  55. phenomenon
  56. outrageous
  57. precise
  58. seeming
  59. regrets
  60. queries
  61. personally
  62. foster
  63. fortnight
  64. reckon
  65. hares
  66. glitter
  67. zest
  68. versatile
  69. sparkling
  70. ethics
  71. widow
  72. death blow
  73. lethal
  74. injection
  75. hostage
  76. creeping
  77. catalysts
  78. sprang
  79. upbringing
  80. drifted
  81. stream of consciousness
  82. chromosomes
  83. fetus
  84. tissue
  85. recounts
  86. tale
  87. crucial
  88. lava
  89. rallies
  90. confined
  91. oppressive
  92. Polyunsaturated
  93. tacit
  94. valid
  95. geometry
  96. disapproving
  97. intriguing
  98. fortified
  99. spanning
  100. cobbled
視覚と聴覚の融合のための本題のステップ4は目標通りDVD(Hanging Up)を昨日の続きから10分くらい鑑賞。
PodcastはRocketboom (HD)のHumanwire: Hero Ratsを鑑賞。

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