
今日、英英辞典(Advanced Learner's English Dictionary (Collins Cobuild) with CD-ROM)で引いた単語数、100語。
  1. squad
  2. supertanker
  3. lain
  4. sleeping
  5. merely
  6. literal
  7. transformation
  8. spanned
  9. encompassed
  10. fickleness
  11. conspire
  12. destiny
  13. to temp fate: see temp
  14. dramatist
  15. unrelenting
  16. mouth
  17. pretty
  18. confederation
  19. accustomed
  20. handsomely
  21. bonuses
  22. shamefully
  23. alliance
  24. rebels
  25. terrify
  26. lashed
  27. allegedly
  28. underworld
  29. robbers
  30. labourers
  31. appalling
  32. fraud
  33. doughs
  34. pastry
  35. exposed
  36. radiator
  37. boulder
  38. venue
  39. choppy
  40. horrendous
  41. assaulted
  42. piling
  43. horrendous
  44. testimony
  45. relevant
  46. watertight
  47. -gatherer
  48. grocery
  49. perched
  50. delicate
  51. wrists
  52. ankles
  53. straw
  54. reinforced
  55. fishing rod
  56. lightning rod
  57. topple
  58. diabetes
  59. ulcers
  60. hypnotherapist
  61. mesmerize
  62. adjourned
  63. hard of hearing
  64. disparagingly
  65. grant
  66. invaluable
  67. colon
  68. Band-Aid
  69. first aid
  70. hearing aid
  71. legal aid
  72. soggy
  73. retains
  74. brittle
  75. breadcrumbs
  76. stalk
  77. fennel
  78. tweezers
  79. obscurity
  80. -rafts
  81. pallets
  82. inquiries
  83. sturdy
  84. stately
  85. repress
  86. suppress
  87. circular
  88. blinked
  89. fatigue
  90. dizziness
  91. inhibited
  92. frenzied
  93. misconception
  94. presume
  95. litigant
  96. assuming
  97. feat
  98. polar
  99. exploration
  100. unparalleled
視覚と聴覚の融合のための本題のステップ4は目標通りDVD(Hanging Up)を最初から10分くらい鑑賞。
PodcastはRocketboom (HD)のDungeons and Dragonsを鑑賞。

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