今日、英英辞典(Advanced Learner's English Dictionary (Collins Cobuild) with CD-ROM)で引いた単語数、100語。
- rid
- racist
- banana republic
- bleak
- conceal
- below
- budding
- cotton bud
- taste bud
- bronzy
- settled
- explosive
- nag
- potter
- sugar lump
- lump sum
- brochure
- vouchers
- free of charge: see charge
- pursue
- roam
- coercion
- amnesty
- intent
- mobs
- filtration
- fumes
- duty-free
- interest-free
- tax-free
- shark
- writhing
- snatched
- receiver
- groped
- to give someone a free hand: see hand
- trot
- Vendors
- souvenirs
- invigorating
- bracing
- businesslike
- anyhow
- squealed
- piercing
- rumbling
- rotate
- hedge
- sprung
- concrete
- yacht
- agenda
- quaint
- lodge
- slanting
- shrewd
- shrewdly
- pagan
- clothing
- trendy
- grimaced
- narrow
- convicted
- corruption
- stewards
- conferred
- crisp
- primarily
- unavoidable
- domestic
- dire
- hire
- would-be
- terms
- cause
- namely
- wrecking
- ceramics
- chest of drawers
- marshland
- petals
- below
- extraordinary
- lessened
- renowned
- respectable
- drawbacks
- conventional wisdom: see wisdom
- unavoidably
- panache
- allies
- respectable
- tramp
- B.O
- homogeneous
- applied
- abduction
- ransom
- extract
- accomplished
PodcastはRocketboom (HD)のInternet Gamesを鑑賞。
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