
今日、英英辞典(Advanced Learner's English Dictionary (Collins Cobuild) with CD-ROM)で引いた単語数、100語。
  1. he who pays the piper calls the tune: see piper
  2. optimum
  3. ripeness
  4. legislation
  5. pompous
  6. a pain in the ass: see pain
  7. prisoner of conscience
  8. ruthless
  9. crash crop
  10. exploit
  11. batch
  12. temperate
  13. poorly
  14. adapt
  15. to cream of the crop: see cream
  16. peat
  17. tender
  18. fatty
  19. patch
  20. servant
  21. orphans
  22. fuselage
  23. nausea
  24. restricted
  25. affluent
  26. prosperous
  27. premises
  28. Sodium
  29. sulphur
  30. cobwebs
  31. bold
  32. boldness
  33. cowardice
  34. obedience
  35. hesitant
  36. assertive
  37. disillusioned
  38. confidence
  39. intellectually
  40. civil
  41. chamber
  42. saloon
  43. likelihood
  44. fair
  45. bouts
  46. periodical
  47. resolutely
  48. astrology
  49. substantiate
  50. conforms
  51. pagan
  52. goddess
  53. autonomy
  54. bereft
  55. massive
  56. assault
  57. mined
  58. vicious
  59. conviction
  60. frozen
  61. desert
  62. peopled
  63. gauge
  64. sea level
  65. cookery
  66. heaped
  67. knelt
  68. plateau
  69. accusation
  70. corruption
  71. allegations
  72. demilitarised
  73. A level
  74. a level playing field: see playing field
  75. molten
  76. plaster
  77. stiff
  78. cast
  79. standings
  80. reeks
  81. tolerance
  82. citizenship
  83. eligible
  84. draining
  85. autographs
  86. laid
  87. follow up
  88. drop
  89. proceeded
  90. commitment
  91. real
  92. shed
  93. calf
  94. -deep
  95. gist
  96. lying
  97. cunning
  98. extremists
  99. snatched
  100. flowering
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PodcastはRocketboom (HD)のGoogly Eyesを鑑賞。

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