今日、英英辞典(Advanced Learner's English Dictionary (Collins Cobuild) with CD-ROM)で引いた単語数、100語。
- he who pays the piper calls the tune: see piper
- optimum
- ripeness
- legislation
- pompous
- a pain in the ass: see pain
- prisoner of conscience
- ruthless
- crash crop
- exploit
- batch
- temperate
- poorly
- adapt
- to cream of the crop: see cream
- peat
- tender
- fatty
- patch
- servant
- orphans
- fuselage
- nausea
- restricted
- affluent
- prosperous
- premises
- Sodium
- sulphur
- cobwebs
- bold
- boldness
- cowardice
- obedience
- hesitant
- assertive
- disillusioned
- confidence
- intellectually
- civil
- chamber
- saloon
- likelihood
- fair
- bouts
- periodical
- resolutely
- astrology
- substantiate
- conforms
- pagan
- goddess
- autonomy
- bereft
- massive
- assault
- mined
- vicious
- conviction
- frozen
- desert
- peopled
- gauge
- sea level
- cookery
- heaped
- knelt
- plateau
- accusation
- corruption
- allegations
- demilitarised
- A level
- a level playing field: see playing field
- molten
- plaster
- stiff
- cast
- standings
- reeks
- tolerance
- citizenship
- eligible
- draining
- autographs
- laid
- follow up
- drop
- proceeded
- commitment
- real
- shed
- calf
- -deep
- gist
- lying
- cunning
- extremists
- snatched
- flowering
PodcastはRocketboom (HD)のGoogly Eyesを鑑賞。
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