今日、英英辞典(Advanced Learner's English Dictionary (Collins Cobuild) with CD-ROM)で引いた単語数、100語。
- porridge
- bran
- corroded
- Zinc
- equivalents
- Holy Ghost
- monetary
- evacuated
- fraud
- death squad
- firing squad
- Flying Squad
- vice squad
- chambermaid
- Interpreters
- penetrate
- put up with
- asylum
- magistrates
- grumbled
- suppression
- reckless
- vicious
- savage
- murdered
- frankness
- disguise
- unpleasantness
- anguished
- frank
- ward
- lively
- dreary
- irrelevant
- dismiss
- dear
- rubbish
- deplete
- no-nonsense
- vacate
- pleased
- acquiring
- reliability
- compete
- dominant
- infarction
- offenders
- liable
- contract
- valid
- crippled
- able
- -bodied
- long-term
- medium-term
- short-term
- in no uncertain terms: see uncertain
- in real terms: see real
- on speaking terms: see speak
- invented
- Legends
- fictitious
- imitation
- genuine
- proper
- glimpses
- description
- fabulous
- borrowing
- counterfeits
- pertinent
- irrelevant
- enclose
- spurned
- pleads
- sanity
- to rant and rave: see rant
- raving
- stand up to
- paler
- havoc
- lay
- observed
- comet
- Immigration
- quo
- status
- architectural
- puree
- revolting
- subsidising
- disgraceful
- allegiance
- oath
- dear
- behind
- secrecy
- bursting
- sworn
- grimy
PodcastはRocketboom (HD)のThe World Beyond Nowを鑑賞。
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