今日、英英辞典(Advanced Learner's English Dictionary (Collins Cobuild) with CD-ROM)で引いた単語数、100語。
- modernising
- muddled
- widely
- tactical
- incoherent
- elaborate
- turquoise
- buds
- voted
- indecisiveness
- justification
- Solitude
- sloppiness
- rob
- maintain
- shirking
- burping
- hiccupping
- sneezing
- infected
- sentiment
- depict
- monarchy
- institution
- swift
- background
- nationality
- contributors
- ancestry
- restitution
- fine
- owe
- still
- impurities
- graded
- rest
- when the dust settles: see dust
- to settle a score: see score
- settled
- endured
- atrocious
- edifice
- hideous
- murdered
- mess
- drag
- adopted
- inquiry
- tutor
- shells
- spotted
- alteration
- tribunal
- discipline
- monarch
- embarrassing
- horrific
- jams
- dreadful
- outings
- sap
- sins
- christen
- baptism
- robe
- kneel
- holy
- physician
- sin
- baying
- savage
- wheeling
- spurted
- gash
- advanced
- gale
- sank
- delirious
- output
- charge
- apply
- impending
- gloom
- condemn
- executed
- sequence
- forerunner
- ideological
- allies
- virtually
- colonel
- construction
- astonish
- promises
- cast
- stunning
- loading
- bay
- genetics
- chromosomes
PodcastはRocketboom (HD)のBREAKING NEWS - Bin Laden etc.を鑑賞。
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