今日、英英辞典(Advanced Learner's English Dictionary (Collins Cobuild) with CD-ROM)で引いた単語数、100語。
- nucleus
- merger
- eclipse
- allies
- allergic
- pollutants
- pollen
- diplomat
- embassy
- toe
- inflexible
- believers
- brutal
- recesses
- deterioration
- bedridden
- confined
- counsel
- accordingly
- receivership
- brink
- prosperous
- solid
- regard
- endurance
- disciplined
- mirth
- graceful
- grace
- account
- resulting
- fairy tale
- old wives’ tale
- tall tale
- tell-tale
- cater
- souvenirs
- entire
- tedious
- fabulous
- jockeys
- past
- fine
- random
- strained
- comprehension
- belief
- beyond the pale: see pale
- beyond someone’s means: see means
- beyond your wildest dreams: see dream
- beyond a joke: see joke
- transportation
- pressing
- sequence
- superior
- singled
- mention
- vicinity
- grocer
- tinned
- lightning conductor
- controversy
- fungus
- budget
- milking
- proponent
- devil’s advocate
- middle
- angle
- lies
- reptile
- tortoise
- terrapin
- swear
- reluctant
- moth
- lampshade
- kerb-crawling
- pub crawl
- authoritarian
- Isolated
- rebellion
- revolt
- insurrection
- insurrection
- victims
- deer
- track
- stiff
- diesel
- prominent
- industrialist
- bark
- floors
- -soled
- clogs
- parcel
- lever
- spectacles
- farm
PodcastはRocketboom (HD)のApps for Momを鑑賞。
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