今日、英英辞典(Advanced Learner's English Dictionary (Collins Cobuild) with CD-ROM)で引いた単語数、100語。
- match
- terrified
- deter
- armed
- -armed
- coat of arms
- comrade-in-arms
- small arms
- pears
- ripe
- peaches
- nectarines
- sturdy
- pop
- reassuringly
- revolver
- barbed
- disciplined
- unarmed
- holy
- cylinder
- exploited
- grassy
- torment
- bas-relief
- tax relief
- custody
- bail
- marital
- obligations
- grief
- cheques
- curb
- day release
- news release
- press release
- conscience
- adulthood
- dividends
- crop
- lean
- season
- promises
- conscious
- watertight
- polythene
- ease
- slander
- neglect
- sulfur
- perception
- subtle
- raiding
- executed
- eldest
- luging
- frozen
- desert
- peopled
- uncouth
- blame
- minimum
- scorn
- pomp
- pretense
- frank
- transport
- mobile phone
- upwardly mobile
- workplace
- day nursery
- amenity
- murals
- cautious
- reckless
- recklessly
- jovial
- pessimistic
- unrelenting
- occupier
- lifeboat
- capsized
- throbbing
- soothed
- posture
- backache
- headache
- heartache
- stomach ache
- intimacy
- yearn
- ease
- hectic
- tiring
- detached
- controversy
- decimal
- speck
- dotted
PodcastはRocketboom (HD)のNYC - The Wall Street Bullを鑑賞。
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