今日、英英辞典(Advanced Learner's English Dictionary (Collins Cobuild) with CD-ROM)で引いた単語数、100語。
- parrots
- lamb
- double-breasted
- single-breasted
- blackberries
- pulp
- toddler
- constituency
- council
- marginal
- guardian
- shop steward
- constituent
- rank
- genuine
- manoeuvred
- reef
- landing craft
- weaving
- pottery
- compromise
- extracts
- maximum
- convinced
- prisoner
- presence
- alleged
- further
- argue
- institution
- ought
- modal
- diagnosis
- galloping
- uncivilized
- decent
- utterly
- dawning
- awful
- appalling
- terrible
- ignorance
- horrify
- liberals
- petition
- anonymous
- abandoned
- resented
- via
- bloodstream
- odors
- Velvet
- central reservation
- tolerate
- unbearable
- cramped
- atrocities
- breakdown
- punishing
- miscarriage
- borne
- solicitors
- squarely
- ruined
- invariably
- mad
- lent
- splash
- drab
- -stained
- approximately
- assess
- validity
- -roofed
- lid
- emptied
- smeared
- van
- speculation
- impropriety
- discount
- banish
- servants
- employee
- employer
- espionage
- extreme
- ambitions
- triumph
- era
- bury
- congressman
- can
- fickleness
- conspire
- destiny
- boycott
- to tempt fate: see tempt
- reluctant
- cracking
PodcastはRocketboom (HD)のChessを鑑賞。
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