- OS X Mavericks - Apple(OS)
- Emacs (CUI)、BBEdit - Bare Bones Software, Inc. (GUI) (Text Editor)
- Python 3.4 (プログラミング言語)
let 代金 = 個数*単価 // 順番が逆なので🙅 #義務教育化されたプログラミングの授業風景
— Dan Kogai (@dankogai) 2014, 6月 12
@dankogai そもそも回答が左に来ているのは間違い。
個数*単価 = 代金 Q.E.D.
— AXION (@AXION_CAVOK) 2014, 6月 12
ワシの知るかぎり、主な算譜言語で右辺値に代入できるのは R の -> だけだなあ( <- もある)。<@AXION_CAVOK そもそも回答が左に来ているのは間違い。 個数*単価 = 代金 Q.E.D. という文法のプログラミング言語を作る所から始める。
— Dan Kogai (@dankogai) 2014, 6月 13
JavaScript - 個数*単価 = 代金, 代金 = 個数*単価 ( @AXION_CAVOK , @dankogai )
クラスベースのオブジェクト指向(今回は python 3.4 )と、どちらが書きやすいか、比較のために書いてみた。(今回はかけ算じゃなくて足し算で。)
コード(BBEdit, Emacs)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- class Constraint: def __init__(self): pass def process_new_value(self): pass def process_forget_value(self): pass class Connector: def __init__(self): self.value = None self.informant = None self.constraints = [] @staticmethod def for_each_except(exception, bln, items): for item in items: if item != exception: if bln: item.process_new_value() else: item.process_forget_value() return 'done' @property def has_value(self): return self.informant != None def set_value(self, newval, setter): if not self.has_value: self.value = newval self.informant = setter return self.for_each_except(setter, True, self.constraints) if self.value != newval: raise Exception('Contradiction {0}, {1}'.format(self.value, newval)) return 'ignored' def forget_value(self, retractor): if retractor == self.informant: self.informant = None return self.for_each_except( retractor, False, self.constraints) return 'ignored' def connect(self, constraint): try: self.constraints.index(constraint) except: self.constraints.insert(0, constraint) if self.has_value: constraint.process_new_value() return 'done' def probe(self, name): p = Probe(name, self) self.connect(p) class Probe(Constraint): def __init__(self, name, connector): self.name = name self.connector = connector def print_probe(self, value): print('Probe: {0} = {1}'.format(self.name, value)) def process_new_value(self): self.print_probe(self.connector.value) def process_forget_value(self): self.print_probe('?') class Adder(Constraint): def __init__(self, a1, a2, s): self.a1 = a1 self.a2 = a2 self.s = s self.a1.connect(self) self.a2.connect(self) self.s.connect(self) def process_new_value(self): if self.a1.has_value and self.a2.has_value: self.s.set_value(self.a1.value + self.a2.value, self) elif self.a1.has_value and self.s.has_value: self.a2.set_value(self.s.value - self.a1.value, self) elif self.a2.has_value and self.s.has_value: self.a1.set_value(self.s.value - self.a2.value, self) def process_forget_value(self): self.s.forget_value(self) self.a1.forget_value(self) self.a2.forget_value(self) self.process_new_value() if __name__ == '__main__': a1 = Connector() a2 = Connector() s = Connector() adder = Adder(a1, a2, s) i = 'kamimura' a1.probe('a1') a2.probe('a2') s.probe('sum') try: a1.set_value(10, i) a2.set_value(20, i) a1.forget_value(i) s.set_value(100, i) s.set_value(200, i) except Exception as err: print(err)
入出力結果(Terminal, IPython)
$ ipython Python 3.4.1 (default, May 21 2014, 01:39:38) Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. IPython 2.1.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. ? -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features. %quickref -> Quick reference. help -> Python's own help system. object? -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details. In [1]: from constraint_system import * In [2]: a1 = Connector() In [3]: a2 = Connector() In [4]: s = Connector() In [5]: adder = Adder(a1, a2, s) In [6]: i = 'kamimura' In [7]: a1.probe('a1') In [8]: a2.probe('a2') In [9]: s.probe('sum') In [10]: a1.set_value(10, i) Probe: a1 = 10 Out[10]: 'done' In [11]: a2.set_value(20, i) Probe: a2 = 20 Probe: sum = 30 Out[11]: 'done' In [12]: a1.forget_value(i) Probe: a1 = ? Probe: sum = ? Out[12]: 'done' In [13]: s.set_value(100, i) Probe: sum = 100 Probe: a1 = 80 Out[13]: 'done' In [14]: s.set_value(100, i) Out[14]: 'ignored' In [15]: quit() $ ./constraint_system.py Probe: a1 = 10 Probe: a2 = 20 Probe: sum = 30 Probe: a1 = ? Probe: sum = ? Probe: sum = 100 Probe: a1 = 80 Contradiction 100, 200 $
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