- OS X Mavericks - Apple(OS)
- Emacs (CUI)、BBEdit - Bare Bones Software, Inc. (GUI) (Text Editor)
- Python 3.4 (プログラミング言語)
Head First Python (Paul Barry(著)、 O'Reilly Media )のChapter 11(Dealing with Complexity: Data wrangling)、EXERCISE(p.419)を解いてみる。
コード(BBEdit, Emacs)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- from find_it import find_closest from tm2secs2tm import time2secs, secs2time row_data = {} with open('PaceData.csv') as paces: column_headings = paces.readline().strip().split(',') column_headings.pop(0) for each_line in paces: row = each_line.strip().split(',') row_label = row.pop(0) inner_dict = {} for i in range(len(column_headings)): inner_dict[row[i]] = column_headings[i] row_data[row_label] = inner_dict def find_nearest_time(look_for, target_data): secs = time2secs(look_for) data = [time2secs(t) for t in target_data] secs = find_closest(secs, data) return secs2time(secs) if __name__ == '__main__': target_data = list(row_data['10k']) print(target_data) while True: try: look_for = input('時間を入力(HH:MM:SS) ') if look_for == '': break print(find_nearest_time(look_for, target_data)) except Exception as err: print(type(err), err, err.args)
入出力結果(Terminal, IPython)
$ ./sample419.py ['56:04', '28:45', '37:34', '30:45', '1:16:34', '1:01:17', '58:37', '35:56', '39:16', '46:55', '50:10', '45:54', '35:08', '27:30', '1:13:14', '38:24', '1:08:30', '36:44', '1:05:31', '44:53', '47:59', '57:20', '31:26', '1:18:17', '1:11:37', '1:02:40', '34:22', '51:18', '33:36', '29:24', '41:59', '41:04', '1:20:03', '40:09', '1:07:00', '54:50', '30:04', '28:08', '26:54', '1:10:03', '53:38', '59:56', '49:04', '42:56', '43:54', '1:04:05', '32:52', '1:14:53', '52:27', '32:09'] 時間を入力(HH:MM:SS) 1:00:00 00:59:56 時間を入力(HH:MM:SS) 01:00:00 00:59:56 時間を入力(HH:MM:SS) 1:30:00 01:20:03 時間を入力(HH:MM:SS) 1:00:30 00:59:56 時間を入力(HH:MM:SS) 1:00:40 01:01:17 時間を入力(HH:MM:SS) 0:50:00 00:50:10 時間を入力(HH:MM:SS) 0:50:30 00:50:10 時間を入力(HH:MM:SS) 0:50:40 00:50:10 時間を入力(HH:MM:SS) 0:50:50 00:51:18 時間を入力(HH:MM:SS) 1:20:30 01:20:03 時間を入力(HH:MM:SS) $
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