- OS X Mavericks - Apple(OS)
- Emacs (CUI)、BBEdit - Bare Bones Software, Inc. (GUI) (Text Editor)
- Python (プログラミング言語)
Head First Python (Paul Barry(著)、 O'Reilly Media )のChapter 8(Mobile app Development: Small devices)、SHARPEN YOUR PENCIL(p.279)を解いてみる。
#!/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- import android import json import time from urllib import urlencode from urllib2 import urlopen hello_msg = "Welcome to Coach Kelly's Timing App" list_title = 'Here is your list of athletes:' quit_msg = "Quitting Coach Kelly's App." web_server = '' get_names_cgi = '/cgi-bin/generate_names.py' # sharpen your pencil p.279 get_data_cgi = '/cgi-bin/generate_data.py' def send_to_server(url, post_data=None): if post_data: page = urlopen(url, urlencode(post_data)) else: page = urlopen(url) return page.read().decode('utf8') def status_update(msg, how_long=2): app.makeToast(msg) time.sleep(how_long) athlete_names = sorted(json.loads(send_to_server(web_server + get_names_cgi))) app = android.Android() status_update(hello_msg) app.dialogCreateAlert(list_title) app.dialogSetSingleChoiceItems(athlete_names) app.dialogSetPositiveButtonText('Select') app.dialogSetNegativeButtonText('Quit') app.dialogShow() resp = app.dialogGetResponse().result # sharpen your pencil p.279 if resp['which'] == 'positive': i = app.dialogGetSelectedItems().result name = athlete_names[i] athlete = json.loads(send_to_server( web_server + get_data_cgi, {'witch_athlete': name})) app.dialogCreateAlert(name) app.dialogSetItems(athlete['top3']) app.dialogSetPositiveButtonText('Close') app.dialogShow() status_update(quit_msg)
入出力結果(Terminal, IPython)
$ ./simple_httpd.py Starting simple_httpd on port: 8080 C-c C-cTraceback (most recent call last): File "./simple_httpd.py", line 10, in <module> httpd.serve_forever() File "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/lib/python3.4/socketserver.py", line 236, in serve_forever poll_interval) File "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/lib/python3.4/socketserver.py", line 154, in _eintr_retry return func(*args) KeyboardInterrupt $
クライアント(Android Emulator)
…省略… Connection refused
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