ハロルド エイブルソン (著)ジュリー サスマン (著)
ジェラルド・ジェイ サスマン (著)
Harold Abelson (原著)Julie Sussman (原著)
Gerald Jay Sussman (原著)和田 英一 (翻訳)
- OS X Yosemite - Apple (OS)
- Emacs (CUI)、BBEdit - Bare Bones Software, Inc. (GUI) (Text Editor)
- Scheme (プログラミング言語)
- Gauche (処理系)
計算機プログラムの構造と解釈[第2版](ハロルド エイブルソン (著)、ジュリー サスマン (著)、ジェラルド・ジェイ サスマン (著)、Harold Abelson (原著)、Julie Sussman (原著)、Gerald Jay Sussman (原著)、和田 英一 (翻訳)、翔泳社、原書: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)(SICP))の5(レジスタ計算機での計算)、5.4(積極制御評価器)、5.4.3(条件式, 代入及び定義)、問題 5.23.を解いてみる。
- Instructor's Manual to Accompany Structure & Interpretation of Computer Programs
- プログラミングGauche (Kahuaプロジェクト (著), 川合 史朗 (監修), オライリージャパン)
- Scheme手習い
問題 5.23.
レジスタ計算機(BBEdit, Emacs)
eval-dispatch (test (op self-evaluating?) (reg exp)) (branch (label ev-self-eval)) (test (op variable?) (reg exp)) (branch (label ev-variable)) (test (op quoted?) (reg exp)) (branch (label ev-quoted)) (test (op assignment?) (reg exp)) (branch (label ev-assignment)) (test (op definition?) (reg exp)) (branch (label ev-definition)) (test (op if?) (reg exp)) (branch (label ev-if)) (test (op lambda?) (reg exp)) (branch (label ev-lambda)) (test (op begin?) (reg exp)) (branch (label ev-begin)) (test (op cond?) (reg exp)) ;; 追加 (branch (label ev-cond)) (test (op let?) (reg exp)) (branch (label ev-let)) (test (op application?) (reg exp)) (branch (label ev-application)) (goto (label unknown-expression-type)) ev-self-eval (assign val (reg exp)) (goto (reg continue)) ev-variable (assign val (op lookup-variable-value) (reg exp) (reg env)) (goto (reg continue)) ev-quoted (assign val (op text-of-quotation) (reg exp)) (goto (reg continue)) ev-lambda (assign unev (op lambda-parameters) (reg exp)) (assign exp (op lambda-body) (reg exp)) (assign val (op make-procedure) (reg unev) (reg exp) (reg env)) (goto (reg continue)) ev-application (save continue) (save env) (assign unev (op operands) (reg exp)) (save unev) (assign exp (op operator) (reg exp)) (assign continue (label ev-appl-did-operator)) (goto (label eval-dispatch)) ev-appl-did-operator (restore unev) (restore env) (assign argl (op empty-arglist)) (assign proc (reg val)) (test (op no-operands?) (reg unev)) (branch (label apply-dispatch)) (save proc) ev-appl-operand-loop (save argl) (assign exp (op first-operand) (reg unev)) (test (op last-operand?) (reg unev)) (branch (label ev-appl-last-arg)) (save env) (save unev) (assign continue (label ev-appl-accumulate-arg)) (goto (label eval-dispatch)) ev-appl-accumulate-arg (restore unev) (restore env) (restore argl) (assign argl (op adjoin-arg) (reg val) (reg argl)) (assign unev (op rest-operands) (reg unev)) (goto (label ev-appl-operand-loop)) ev-appl-last-arg (assign continue (label ev-appl-accum-last-arg)) (goto (label eval-dispatch)) ev-appl-accum-last-arg (restore argl) (assign argl (op adjoin-arg) (reg val) (reg argl)) (restore proc) (goto (label apply-dispatch)) apply-dispatch (test (op primitive-procedure?) (reg proc)) (branch (label primitive-apply)) (test (op compound-procedure?) (reg proc)) (branch (label compound-apply)) (goto (label unknown-procedure-type)) primitive-apply (assign val (op apply-primitive-procedure) (reg proc) (reg argl)) (restore continue) (goto (reg continue)) compound-apply (assign unev (op procedure-parameters) (reg proc)) (assign env (op procedure-environment) (reg proc)) (assign env (op extend-environment) (reg unev) (reg argl) (reg env)) (assign unev (op procedure-body) (reg proc)) (goto (label ev-sequence)) ev-begin (assign unev (op begin-actions) (reg exp)) (save continue) (goto (label ev-sequence)) ev-sequence (assign exp (op first-exp) (reg unev)) (test (op last-exp?) (reg unev)) (branch (label ev-sequence-last-exp)) (save unev) (save env) (assign continue (label ev-sequence-continue)) (goto (label eval-dispatch)) ev-sequence-continue (restore env) (restore unev) (assign unev (op rest-exps) (reg unev)) (goto (label ev-sequence)) ev-sequence-last-exp (restore continue) (goto (label eval-dispatch)) ev-if (save exp) (save continue) (assign continue (label ev-if-decide)) (assign exp (op if-predicate) (reg exp)) (goto (label eval-dispatch)) ev-if-decide (restore continue) (restore env) (restore exp) (test (op true?) (reg val)) (branch (label ev-if-consequent)) ev-if-alternative (assign exp (op if-alternative) (reg exp)) (goto (label eval-dispatch)) ev-if-consequent (assign exp (op if-consequent) (reg exp)) (goto (label eval-dispatch)) ev-assignment (assign unev (op assignment-variable) (reg exp)) (save unev) (save env) (save continue) (assign continue (label ev-assignment-1)) (goto (label eval-dispatch)) ev-assignment-1 (restore continue) (restore env) (restore unev) (perform (op set-variable-value!) (reg unev) (reg val) (reg env)) (assign val (const ok)) (goto (reg continue)) ev-definition (assign unev (op definition-variable) (reg exp)) (save unev) (save env) (save continue) (assign continue (label ev-definition-1)) (goto (label eval-dispatch)) ; evaluate the definition value ev-definition-1 (restore continue) (restore env) (restore unev) (perform (op define-variable!) (reg unev) (reg val) (reg env)) (assign val (const ok)) (goto (reg continue)) ;; 追加 ev-cond (assign exp (op cond->if) (reg exp)) (goto (label eval-dispatch)) ev-let (assign exp (op let->combination) (reg exp)) (goto (label eval-dispatch))
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