ハロルド エイブルソン (著)ジュリー サスマン (著)
ジェラルド・ジェイ サスマン (著)
Harold Abelson (原著)Julie Sussman (原著)
Gerald Jay Sussman (原著)和田 英一 (翻訳)
- OS X Yosemite - Apple (OS)
- Emacs (CUI)、BBEdit - Bare Bones Software, Inc. (GUI) (Text Editor)
- Scheme (プログラミング言語)
- Gauche (処理系)
計算機プログラムの構造と解釈[第2版](ハロルド エイブルソン (著)、ジュリー サスマン (著)、ジェラルド・ジェイ サスマン (著)、Harold Abelson (原著)、Julie Sussman (原著)、Gerald Jay Sussman (原著)、和田 英一 (翻訳)、翔泳社、原書: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)(SICP))の5(レジスタ計算機での計算)、5.5(翻訳系)、5.5.7(翻訳したコードと評価機のインターフェース)、解釈と翻訳、問題 5.45-a.を解いてみる。
- Instructor's Manual to Accompany Structure & Interpretation of Computer Programs
- プログラミングGauche (Kahuaプロジェクト (著), 川合 史朗 (監修), オライリージャパン)
- Scheme手習い
問題 5.45-a.
コード(BBEdit, Emacs)
#!/usr/bin/env gosh
;; -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
(load "./eceval.scm")
'(define (factorial n)
(if (= n 1)
(* (factorial (- n 1)) n))))
#!/usr/bin/env gosh
;;-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
(load "./simulator.scm")
(define factorial-machine
(list (list '= =) (list '- -) (list '* *))
'((assign continue (label fact-done))
(test (op =) (reg n) (const 1))
(branch (label base-case))
(save continue)
(save n)
(assign n (op -) (reg n) (const 1))
(assign continue (label after-fact))
(goto (label fact-loop))
(restore n)
(restore continue)
(assign val (op *) (reg n) (reg val))
(goto (reg continue))
(assign val (const 1))
(goto (reg continue))
(lambda (i)
((factorial-machine 'stack) 'initialize)
(set-register-contents! factorial-machine 'n i)
(start factorial-machine)
(print i "! = " (get-register-contents factorial-machine 'val))
(print-statistics factorial-machine))
'(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))
入出力結果(Terminal(gosh), REPL(Read, Eval, Print, Loop))
$ ./sample45.scm (total-pushes = 0 maximum-depth = 0) ;;; EC-Eval value: ok ;;; EC-Eval input: (factorial 1) (total-pushes = 7 maximum-depth = 3) ;;; EC-Eval value: 1 ;;; EC-Eval input: (factorial 2) (total-pushes = 13 maximum-depth = 5) ;;; EC-Eval value: 2 ;;; EC-Eval input: (factorial 3) (total-pushes = 19 maximum-depth = 8) ;;; EC-Eval value: 6 ;;; EC-Eval input: (factorial 4) (total-pushes = 25 maximum-depth = 11) ;;; EC-Eval value: 24 ;;; EC-Eval input: (factorial 5) (total-pushes = 31 maximum-depth = 14) ;;; EC-Eval value: 120 ;;; EC-Eval input: (factorial 6) (total-pushes = 37 maximum-depth = 17) ;;; EC-Eval value: 720 ;;; EC-Eval input: (factorial 7) (total-pushes = 43 maximum-depth = 20) ;;; EC-Eval value: 5040 ;;; EC-Eval input: (factorial 8) (total-pushes = 49 maximum-depth = 23) ;;; EC-Eval value: 40320 ;;; EC-Eval input: (factorial 9) (total-pushes = 55 maximum-depth = 26) ;;; EC-Eval value: 362880 ;;; EC-Eval input: (factorial 10) (total-pushes = 61 maximum-depth = 29) ;;; EC-Eval value: 3628800 ;;; EC-Eval input: (define (factorial n) (if (= n 1) 1 (* (factorial (- n 1)) n))) (total-pushes = 3 maximum-depth = 3) ;;; EC-Eval value: ok ;;; EC-Eval input: (factorial 1) (total-pushes = 16 maximum-depth = 8) ;;; EC-Eval value: 1 ;;; EC-Eval input: (factorial 2) (total-pushes = 48 maximum-depth = 13) ;;; EC-Eval value: 2 ;;; EC-Eval input: (factorial 3) (total-pushes = 80 maximum-depth = 18) ;;; EC-Eval value: 6 ;;; EC-Eval input: (factorial 4) (total-pushes = 112 maximum-depth = 23) ;;; EC-Eval value: 24 ;;; EC-Eval input: (factorial 5) (total-pushes = 144 maximum-depth = 28) ;;; EC-Eval value: 120 ;;; EC-Eval input: (factorial 6) (total-pushes = 176 maximum-depth = 33) ;;; EC-Eval value: 720 ;;; EC-Eval input: (factorial 7) (total-pushes = 208 maximum-depth = 38) ;;; EC-Eval value: 5040 ;;; EC-Eval input: (factorial 8) (total-pushes = 240 maximum-depth = 43) ;;; EC-Eval value: 40320 ;;; EC-Eval input: (factorial 9) (total-pushes = 272 maximum-depth = 48) ;;; EC-Eval value: 362880 ;;; EC-Eval input: (factorial 10) (total-pushes = 304 maximum-depth = 53) ;;; EC-Eval value: 3628800 ;;; EC-Eval input: (exit) $ ./sample14.scm 1! = 1 (total-pushes = 0 maximum-depth = 0) 2! = 2 (total-pushes = 2 maximum-depth = 2) 3! = 6 (total-pushes = 4 maximum-depth = 4) 4! = 24 (total-pushes = 6 maximum-depth = 6) 5! = 120 (total-pushes = 8 maximum-depth = 8) 6! = 720 (total-pushes = 10 maximum-depth = 10) 7! = 5040 (total-pushes = 12 maximum-depth = 12) 8! = 40320 (total-pushes = 14 maximum-depth = 14) 9! = 362880 (total-pushes = 16 maximum-depth = 16) 10! = 3628800 (total-pushes = 18 maximum-depth = 18) $
n | 解釈 | 翻訳 | 特殊目的 |
1 | 16 | 7 | 0 |
2 | 48 | 13 | 2 |
3 | 80 | 19 | 4 |
4 | 112 | 25 | 6 |
5 | 144 | 31 | 8 |
6 | 176 | 37 | 10 |
7 | 208 | 43 | 12 |
8 | 240 | 49 | 14 |
9 | 272 | 55 | 16 |
10 | 304 | 61 | 18 |
k | 32k - 16 | 6k + 1 | 2k - 2 |
翻訳/解釈: 3/16
特殊目的/解釈: 1/16
n | 解釈 | 翻訳 | 特殊目的 |
1 | 8 | 3 | 0 |
2 | 13 | 5 | 2 |
3 | 18 | 8 | 4 |
4 | 23 | 11 | 6 |
5 | 28 | 14 | 8 |
6 | 33 | 17 | 10 |
7 | 38 | 20 | 12 |
8 | 43 | 23 | 14 |
9 | 48 | 26 | 16 |
10 | 53 | 29 | 18 |
k | 5k + 3 | 3k | 2k - 2 |
翻訳/解釈: 3/5
特殊目的/解釈: 2/5
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