- macOS Sierra - Apple (OS)
- Emacs (Text Editor)
- Python 3.5 (プログラミング言語)
Exercises for Programmers: 57 Challenges to Develop Your Coding Skills (Brian P. Hogan 著、Pragmatic Bookshelf)のChapter 8(Working with Files)、43(Website Generator)を取り組んでみる。
43(Website Generator)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
name = input('Site name: ')
author = input('Author: ')
js = input('Do you want a folder for JavaScript? ')
css = input('Do you want a folder for CSS? ')
style = ''
if js == 'y':
os.mkdir(os.path.join(name, 'js'))
if css == 'y':
os.mkdir(os.path.join(name, 'css'))
style = (
'\n <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{0}/">'
with open(os.path.join(name, 'index.html'), 'w') as f:
print('''<!doctype html>
<meta name="author" content="{author}">
</html>'''.format(author=author, title=name, style=style),
print('Created {0}\n'
'Created {1}'.format(os.path.join(os.curdir, name), 'index.html'))
if js == 'y':
print('Created {0}/'.format(os.path.join(os.curdir, name, 'js')))
if css == 'y':
print('Created {0}/'.format(os.path.join(os.curdir, name, 'css')))
入出力結果(Terminal, IPython)
$ ./sample43.py Site name: awesomeco Author: Max Power Do you want a folder for JavaScript? y Do you want a folder for CSS? y Created ./awesomeco Created index.html Created ./awesomeco/js/ Created ./awesomeco/css/ $ ls -R awesomeco/ ./ ../ css/ index.html js/ awesomeco//css: ./ ../ awesomeco//js: ./ ../ $ cat awesomeco/index.html <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta name="author" content="Max Power"> <title>awesomeco</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/"> </head> <body> </body> </html> $ ./sample43.py Site name: python Author: kamimura Do you want a folder for JavaScript? n Do you want a folder for CSS? n Created ./python Created index.html $ ls -R python/ ./ ../ index.html $ cat python/index.html <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta name="author" content="kamimura"> <title>python</title> </head> <body> </body> </html> $
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