

Cを高級アセンブラーとした、Scheme の コンパイラー(ksc)、インタプリター(ksi)の作成で、標準ライブラリの base ライブラリの手続きを実装。(vector 関連と入出力関連、その他構文は除く。)

入出力関連の手続きのいくつかは、REPL での挙動とか細かい違いがあるみたいだから、よく理解してから実装することに。

vector については、まだどう実装するか検討中で決めていないから、関連する手続きも未実装。読み込み時にvectorの長さを取得して、その長さ分のヒープのメモリ領域をmallocで確保、長さと要素の対という感じで(bytevector と同様な感じ。読み込み時はリストとして読み込みそれをベクターに変換する。)実装することを検討中。まだ未実装なのは、バイトベクタと違って、ガベージコレクションの修正も必要になるから、慎重に、ということで。




   (define (error message . objs)
     (list 'error-object message objs))
   (define (error-object? exp)
     (tagged-list? exp 'error-object))
   (define (error-object-message exp) (car (cdr exp)))
   (define (error-irritants exp) (car (cdr (cdr exp))))
   (define (eval exp env)
     (if (error-object? exp)
          (eof-object? exp)
           (self-evaluating? exp)
            (variable? exp)
            (lookup-variable-value exp env)
             (quoted? exp)
             (text-of-quotation exp)
              (lambda? exp)
              (make-procedure (lambda-parameters exp)
                              (lambda-body exp)
               (definition? exp)
               (eval-definition exp env)
                (assignment? exp)
                (eval-assignment exp env)
                 (if? exp)
                 (eval-if exp env)
                  (begin? exp)
                  (eval-sequence (begin-actions exp) env)
                  (if (and? exp)
                      (eval (and->if exp) env)
                      (if (or? exp)
                          (eval (or->if exp) env)
                           (load? exp)
                           (eval (read (open-input-file (car (cdr exp)))) env)
                            (pair? exp)
                              (define op (eval (car exp) env))
                              (if (error-object? op)
                                    (define ops (list-of-values (cdr exp) env))
                                    (define o (include-error? ops))
                                    (if o
                                        (apply op ops)))))
                            (error "(eval) unknown expression type --"

   (define (eval-definition exp env)
     (if (or (and (c-symbol? (car (cdr  exp)))
                  (= (length exp) 3))
             (and (pair? (car (cdr  exp)))
                  (< 2 (length exp))))
           (define o (eval (definition-value exp) env))
           (if (error-object? o)
                 (definition-variable exp)
               (error "(eval) unknown expression type --" exp)))))

   (define (eval-assignment exp env)
     (if (= (length exp) 3)
           (define o (eval (assignment-value exp) env))
           (if (error-object? o)
               (set-variable-value! (assignment-variable exp)
         (error "(eval) unknown expression type --" exp)))

   (define (eval-if exp env)
     (if (or (= (length exp) 3)
             (= (length exp) 4))
           (define pred (eval (if-predicate exp) env))
           (if (error-object? pred)
               (if pred
                   (eval (if-consequent exp) env)
                   (eval (if-alternative exp) env))))
         (error "(eval) unknown expression type --" exp)))

   (define (eval-sequence exps env)
     (if (null? (cdr  exps))
         (eval (car exps) env)
           (define o (eval (car exps) env))
           (if (error-object? o)
               (eval-sequence (cdr exps) env)))))

   (define (include-error? list)
     (if (null? list)
         (if (error-object? (car list))
             (car list)
             (include-error? (cdr list)))))
   (define (list-of-values exps env)
     (if (null? exps)
         (cons (eval (car exps) env)
               (list-of-values (cdr exps) env))))
   (define (apply procedure arguments)
     (if (primitive-procedure? procedure)
         (c-apply (primitive-implementation procedure) arguments)
         (if (compound-procedure? procedure)
               (define env  (extend-environment
                             (procedure-parameters procedure)
                             (procedure-environment procedure)))
               (if (error-object? env)
                   (eval-sequence (procedure-body procedure) env)))
             (error "unknown procedure type --" procedure))))
   (define (self-evaluating? exp)
     (or (boolean? exp)
         (number? exp)
         (vector? exp)
         (c-char? exp)
         (string? exp)
         (bytevector? exp)
         (procedure? exp)
         (eq? exp (if #f #f))))
   (define (variable? exp) (c-symbol? exp))
   (define (quoted? exp) (tagged-list? exp 'quote))
   (define (text-of-quotation exp) (car (cdr exp)))
   (define (tagged-list? exp tag)
     (if (pair? exp)
         (eq? (car exp) tag)
   (define (lambda? exp) (tagged-list? exp 'lambda))
   (define (lambda-parameters exp) (car (cdr exp)))
   (define (lambda-body exp) (cdr (cdr exp)))
   (define (make-lambda parameters body) (cons 'lambda (cons parameters body)))

   (define (if? exp) (tagged-list? exp 'if))
   (define (if-predicate exp) (car (cdr exp)))
   (define (if-consequent exp) (car (cdr (cdr exp))))
   (define (if-alternative exp)
     (if (not (null? (cdr (cdr (cdr exp)))))
         (car (cdr (cdr (cdr exp))))))

   (define (begin? exp) (tagged-list? exp 'begin))
   (define (begin-actions exp) (cdr exp))

   (define (and? exp) (tagged-list? exp 'and))
   (define (and->if exp)
     (if (null? exp)
           (define (iter o)
             (if (null? (cdr o))
                 (car o)
                 (list 'if
                       (car o)
                       (iter (cdr o))
           (iter exp))))
   (define (or? exp) (tagged-list? exp 'or))
   (define (or->if exp)
     (if (null? exp)
         (list 'if (car exp) (car exp) (cons 'or (cdr exp)))))
   (define (load? exp) (tagged-list? exp 'load))
   (define (definition? exp) (tagged-list? exp 'define))
   (define (definition-variable exp)
     (if (c-symbol? (car (cdr exp)))
         (car (cdr exp))
         (car (car (cdr exp)))))
   (define (definition-value exp)
     (if (c-symbol? (car (cdr exp)))
         (car (cdr (cdr exp)))
         (make-lambda (cdr (car (cdr exp)))
                      (cdr (cdr exp)))))
   (define (assignment? exp) (tagged-list? exp 'set!))
   (define (assignment-variable exp) (car (cdr exp)))
   (define (assignment-value exp) (car (cdr (cdr exp))))
   (define (first-frame env) (car env))
   (define the-empty-environment '())
   (define (make-frame variables values) (cons variables values))
   (define (frame-variables frame) (car frame))
   (define (frame-values frame) (cdr frame))
   (define (add-binding-to-frame! var val frame)
     (set-car! frame (cons var (car frame)))
     (set-cdr! frame (cons val (cdr frame))))   
   (define (define-variable! var val env)
     ((lambda (frame)
        (define (scan vars vals)
          (if (null? vars)
              (add-binding-to-frame! var val frame)
              (if (eq? var (car vars))
                  (set-car! vals val)
                  (scan (cdr vars) (cdr vals)))))
        (scan (frame-variables frame)
              (frame-values frame)))
      (first-frame env)))
   (define (set-variable-value! var val env)
     (define (env-loop env)
       (define (scan vars vals)
         (if (null? vars)
             (env-loop (enclosing-environment env))
             (if (eq? var (car vars))
                 (set-car! vals val)
                 (scan (cdr vars) (cdr vals)))))
       (if (eq? env the-empty-environment)
           (error "(set!) unbound variable --" var)
           ((lambda (frame)
              (scan (frame-variables frame)
                    (frame-values frame)))
            (first-frame env))))
     (env-loop env))
   (define (make-procedure parameters body env)
     (list 'procedure parameters body env))
   (define (compound-procedure? p) (tagged-list? p 'procedure))
   (define (procedure-parameters p) (car (cdr p)))
   (define (procedure-body p) (car (cdr (cdr p))))
   (define (procedure-environment p) (car (cdr (cdr (cdr p)))))
   (define (enclosing-environment env) (cdr env))
   (define (extend-environment vars vals base-env)
     (define (iter vars-0 vals-0 vars-1 vals-1)
       (if (c-symbol? vars-0)
           (cons (make-frame (cons vars-0 vars-1)
                             (cons vals-0 vals-1))
           (if (null? vars-0)
               (if (null? vals-0)
                   (cons (make-frame vars-1 vals-1) base-env)
                   (error "too many arguments supplied" vars vals))
               (if (null? vals-0)
                   (error "too few arguments supplied" vars vals)
                   (iter (cdr vars-0)
                         (cdr vals-0)
                         (cons (car vars-0) vars-1)
                         (cons (car vals-0) vals-1))))))
     (iter vars vals '() '()))
   (define (lookup-variable-value var env)
     (define (env-loop env)
       (define (scan vars vals)
         (if (null? vars)
             (env-loop (enclosing-environment env))
             (if (eq? var (car vars))
                 (car vals)
                 (scan (cdr vars) (cdr vals)))))
       (if (eq? env the-empty-environment)
           (error "unbound variable --" var)
           ((lambda (frame)
              (scan (frame-variables frame)
                    (frame-values frame)))
            (first-frame env))))
     (env-loop env))

   (define (numbers? objs)
     (if (null? objs)
         (if (number? (car objs))
             (numbers? (cdr objs))

   (define (primitive-procedure? proc) (tagged-list? proc 'primitive))
   (define (primitive-implementation proc) (car (cdr proc)))
   (load "primitive_procedures.scm")
   (define primitive-procedures
     (list (cons '* *)
           (cons '+ +)
           (cons '- -)
           (cons '/ /)
           (cons '< <)
           (cons '<= <=)
           (cons '= =)
           (cons '> >)
           (cons '>= >=)
           (cons 'abs abs)
           (cons 'append append)
           (cons 'binary-port? binary-port?)
           (cons 'boolean=? boolean=?)
           (cons 'boolean? boolean?)          
           (cons 'bytevector bytevector)
           (cons 'bytevector-append bytevector-append)
           (cons 'bytevector-copy bytevector-copy)
           (cons 'bytevector-length bytevector-length)
           (cons 'bytevector-u8-ref bytevector-u8-ref)
           (cons 'bytevector-u8-set! bytevector-u8-set!)
           (cons 'bytevector? bytevector?)
           (cons 'car car)
           (cons 'cdr cdr)
           (cons 'ceiling ceiling)
           (cons 'char->integer char->integer)
           (cons 'char<=? char<=?)           
           (cons 'char<? char<?)
           (cons 'char=? char=?)
           (cons 'char>=? char>=?)
           (cons 'char>? char>?)
           (cons 'char? char?)           
           (cons 'close-input-port close-input-port)
           (cons 'close-output-port close-output-port)
           (cons 'close-port close-port)
           (cons 'complex? complex?)
           (cons 'cons cons)
           (cons 'current-error-port current-error-port)
           (cons 'current-input-port current-input-port)
           (cons ''current-output-port current-output-port)
           (cons 'denominator denominator)

           (cons 'eof-object eof-object)
           (cons 'eof-object? eof-object?)
           (cons 'eq? eq?)
           (cons 'eqv? eqv?)
           (cons 'error (lambda args
                          (if (c-null? args)
                              (error '|(error) wrong number of arguments --| args)
                              (c-apply error args))))
           (cons 'error-object-irritants
                 (lambda args
                   (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
                       (if (error-object? (c-car args))
                           (error-object-irritants (c-car args))
                            '|(error-object-irritants) wrong type of argument --|
                        '|(error-object-irritants) wrong number of arguments --|
           (cons 'error-object-message
                 (lambda args
                   (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
                       (if (error-object? (c-car args))
                           (error-object-message (c-car args))
                            '|(error-object-message) wrong type of argument --|
                        '|(error-object-message) wrong number of arguments --|
           (cons 'error-object?
                 (lambda args
                   (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
                       (error-object? (c-car args))
                        '|(error-object?) wrong number of arguments --| args))))
           (cons 'even? even?)
           (cons 'exact exact)
           (cons 'exact? exact?)
           (cons 'expt expt)
           (cons 'floor floor)
           (cons 'flush-output-port flush-output-port)

           (cons 'gcd gcd)
           (cons 'inexact inexact)
           (cons 'input-port-open? input-port-open?)
           (cons 'input-port? input-port?)
           (cons 'integer->char integer->char)
           (cons 'integer? integer?)
           (cons 'lcm lcm)
           (cons 'length length)
           (cons 'list list)           
           (cons 'list->string list->string)
           (cons 'list? list?)
           (cons 'make-bytevector make-bytevector)
           (cons 'make-list make-list)
           (cons 'make-string make-string)
           (cons 'negative? negative?)
           (cons 'newline newline)
           (cons 'null? null?)
           (cons 'number? number?)
           (cons 'numerator numerator)
           (cons 'odd? odd?)
           (cons 'output-port-open? output-port-open?)
           (cons 'output-port? output-port?)
           (cons 'pair? pair?)
           (cons 'port? port?)
           (cons 'positive? positive?)
           (cons 'procedure?
                 (lambda args
                   (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
                       (or (primitive-procedure? (c-car args))
                           (compound-procedure? (c-car args)))
                        '|(procedure?) wrong number of arguments --| args))))
           (cons 'raise
                 (lambda args
                   (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
                       (error '|| (c-car args))
                        '|(raise) wrong number of arguments --| args))))
           (cons 'rational? rational?)
           (cons 'read-bytevector read-bytevector)
           (cons 'read-char read-char)
           (cons 'read-u8 read-u8)
           (cons 'real? real?)
           (cons 'reverse reverse)
           (cons 'round round)
           (cons 'set-car! set-car!)
           (cons 'set-cdr! set-cdr!)
           (cons 'square square)
           (cons 'string->list string->list)
           (cons 'string->number string->number)
           (cons 'string->symbol string->symbol)
           (cons 'string->utf8 string->utf8)
           (cons 'string-length string-length)
           (cons 'string-ref string-ref)
           (cons 'string-set! string-set!)
           (cons 'string<=? string<=?)
           (cons 'string<? string<?)
           (cons 'string=? string=?)
           (cons 'string>=? string>=?)
           (cons 'string>? string>?)
           (cons 'string? string?)
           (cons 'symbol->string symbol->string)
           (cons 'symbol=? symbol=?)
           (cons 'textual-port? textual-port?)
           (cons 'truncate truncate)
           (cons 'utf8->string utf8->string)

           (cons 'vector? vector?)

           (cons 'write-bytevector write-bytevector)
           (cons 'write-char write-char)
           (cons 'write-string write-string)
           (cons 'write-u8 write-u8)
   (define (map proc list)
     (if (null? list)
         (cons (proc (car list))
               (map proc (cdr list)))))
   (define (primitive-procedure-names) (map car primitive-procedures))
   (define (primitive-procedure-objects)
     (map (lambda (proc)
            (list 'primitive (cdr proc)))

   (define (setup-environment)
     ((lambda (initial-env)        
        (define-variable! 'quote quote initial-env)
        (define-variable! 'lambda lambda initial-env)
        (define-variable! 'define define initial-env)
        (define-variable! 'set! set! initial-env)
        (define-variable! 'if if initial-env)
        (define-variable! 'begin begin initial-env)
        (define-variable! 'and and initial-env)
        (define-variable! 'or or initial-env)
        (define-variable! 'load load initial-env)
   (define the-global-environment (setup-environment))

   (define input-prompt "> ")
   (define output-prompt "=> ")
   (define input-port (current-input-port))
   (define output-port (current-output-port))   
   (define (driver-loop)
     (prompt-for-input input-prompt)
     ((lambda (input)
        ((lambda (output)
           (announce-output output-prompt)
           (user-print output))
         (eval input the-global-environment)))
      (read input-port))
   (define (prompt-for-input string)
     (display string output-port))
   (define (announce-output string)
     (display string output-port))
   (define (user-print object)
     (if (error-object? object)
           (display "Error: ")
           (if (not (eq? (error-object-message object)) '||)
               (display " "))
           (display (error-object-message object))
           (define (iter objs)
             (if (not (null? objs))
                 (begin (display " ")
                        (write (car objs))
                        (iter (cdr objs)))))
           (iter (error-irritants object)))
         (if (primitive-procedure? object)
             (display '|#<primitive-procedure>| output-port)
             (if (compound-procedure? object)
                 (begin (display '|#<compound-procedure | output-port)
                        (write (procedure-parameters object) output-port)
                        (write '> output-port))
                 (write object output-port))))
     (newline output-port))

   (eval '(load "compound_procedures.scm") the-global-environment)


  (define (* . args)
    (define (iter zs result e?)
      (if (c-null? zs)
          ((lambda (z)
             (if (c-number? z)
                 (if (and e? (c-exact? z))
                     (iter (c-cdr zs)
                           (c-* result z)
                     (iter (c-cdr zs)
                           (c-* (c-inexact result) (c-inexact z))
                 (error '|(*) wrong type of argument --| args)))
           (c-car zs))))
    (iter args 1 #t))
  (define (+ . args)
    (define (iter zs result e?)
      (if (c-null? zs)
          ((lambda (z)
             (if (c-number? z)
                 (if (and e? (c-exact? z))
                     (iter (c-cdr zs)
                           (c-+ result z)
                     (iter (c-cdr zs)
                           (c-+ (c-inexact result) (c-inexact z))
                 (error '|(+) wrong type of argument --| args)))
           (c-car zs))))
    (iter args 0 #t))
  (define (- . args)
    (define len (c-length args))
    (if (c-= len 0)
        (error '|(-) wrong number of arguments --| args)
        (if (c-= len 1)
            (if (c-number? (c-car args))
                (if (c-exact? (c-car args))
                    (c-* -1 (c-car args))
                    (c-* (c-inexact -1) (c-car args)))
                (error '|(-) wrong type of argument --| args))
              (define (iter nums result e?)
                (if (c-null? nums)
                    (if (c-number? (c-car nums))
                        (if (and e? (c-exact? (c-car nums)))
                            (iter (c-cdr nums)
                                  (c-- result (c-car nums))
                            (iter (c-cdr nums)
                                  (c-- (c-inexact result)
                                       (c-inexact (c-car nums)))
                        (error '|(-) wrong type of argument --| args))))
              (iter (c-cdr args) (c-car args) (c-exact? (c-car args)))))))
  (define (/ . args)
    (define len (c-length args))
    (if (c-= len 0)
        (error '|(/) wrong number of arguments --| args)
        (if (c-= len 1)
            (if (c-number? (c-car args))
                (if (c-exact? (c-car args))
                    (c-/ 1 (c-car args))
                    (c-/ (c-inexact 1) (c-car args)))
                (error '|(/) wrong type of argument --| args))
              (define (iter nums result e?)
                (if (c-null? nums)
                    (if (c-number? (c-car nums))
                        (if (and e? (c-exact? (c-car nums)))
                            (if (c-= (c-car nums) 0)
                                (error '|(/) division by zero --| args)
                                (iter (c-cdr nums)
                                      (c-/ result (c-car nums))
                            (iter (c-cdr nums)
                                  (c-/ (c-inexact result)
                                       (c-inexact (c-car nums)))
                        (error '|(/) wrong type of argument --| args))))
              (iter (c-cdr args) (c-car args) (c-exact? (c-car args)))))))
  (define (< . args)
    (define len (c-length args))
    (if (c-< len 2)
        (error '|(<) wrong number of arguments --| args)
          (if (c-real? (c-car args))
                (define (cmp x y)
                  (if (and (c-exact? x) (c-exact? y))
                      (c-< x y)
                      (c-< (c-inexact x) (c-inexact y))))
                (define (iter x xs)
                  (if (c-null? xs)
                      (if (c-real? (c-car xs))
                          (if (cmp x (c-car xs))
                              (iter (c-car xs) (c-cdr xs))
                          (error '|(<) wrong type of argument --| args))))
                (iter (c-car args) (c-cdr args)))
              (error '|(<) wrong type of argument --| args)))))
  (define (<= . args)
    (define len (c-length args))
    (if (c-< len 2)
        (error '|(<=) wrong number of arguments --| args)
          (if (c-real? (c-car args))
                (define (cmp x y)
                  (if (and (c-exact? x) (c-exact? y))
                      (or (c-= x y) (c-< x y))
                      (or (c-= (c-inexact x) (c-inexact y))
                          (c-< (c-inexact x) (c-inexact y)))))
                (define (iter x xs)
                  (if (c-null? xs)
                      (if (c-real? (c-car xs))
                          (if (cmp x (c-car xs))
                              (iter (c-car xs) (c-cdr xs))
                          (error '|(<=) wrong type of argument --| args))))
                (iter (c-car args) (c-cdr args)))
              (error '|(<=) wrong type of argument --| args)))))
  (define (= . args)
    (define len (c-length args))
    (if (c-< len 2)
        (error '|(=) wrong number of arguments --| args)
          (if (c-number? (c-car args))
                (define (cmp x y)
                  (if (and (c-exact? x) (c-exact? y))
                      (c-= x y)
                      (c-= (c-inexact x) (c-inexact y))))
                (define (iter x xs)
                  (if (c-null? xs)
                      (if (c-number? (c-car xs))
                          (if (cmp x (c-car xs))
                              (iter (c-car xs) (c-cdr xs))
                          (error '|(=) wrong type of argument --| args))))
                (iter (c-car args) (c-cdr args)))
              (error '|(=) wrong type of argument --| args)))))
  (define (> . args)
    (define len (c-length args))
    (if (c-< len 2)
        (error '|(>) wrong number of arguments --| args)
          (if (c-real? (c-car args))
                (define (cmp x y)
                  (if (and (c-exact? x) (c-exact? y))
                      (c-< y x)
                      (c-< (c-inexact y) (c-inexact x))))
                (define (iter x xs)
                  (if (c-null? xs)
                      (if (c-real? (c-car xs))
                          (if (cmp x (c-car xs))
                              (iter (c-car xs) (c-cdr xs))
                          (error '|(>) wrong type of argument --| args))))
                (iter (c-car args) (c-cdr args)))
              (error '|(>) wrong type of argument --| args)))))
  (define (>= . args)
    (define len (c-length args))
    (if (c-< len 2)
        (error '|(>=) wrong number of arguments --| args)
          (if (c-real? (c-car args))
                (define (cmp x y)
                  (if (and (c-exact? x) (c-exact? y))
                      (or (c-= x y) (c-< y x))
                      (or (c-= (c-inexact x) (c-inexact y))
                          (c-< (c-inexact y) (c-inexact x)))))
                (define (iter x xs)
                  (if (c-null? xs)
                      (if (c-real? (c-car xs))
                          (if (cmp x (c-car xs))
                              (iter (c-car xs) (c-cdr xs))
                          (error '|(>=) wrong type of argument --| args))))
                (iter (c-car args) (c-cdr args)))
              (error '|(>=) wrong type of argument --| args)))))
  (define (abs . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (if (c-real? (c-car args))
            (if (c-< (c-car args) 0)
                (c-* -1 (c-car args))
                (c-car args))
            (error '|(abs) wrong type of argument --| args))
        (error '|(abs) wrong number of arguments --| args)))
  (define (append . list-of-list)
    (if (c-null? list-of-list)
          (define reversed (c-reverse list-of-list))
          (define o (c-car reversed))
          (if (or (c-null? o) (c-pair? o))
                (define (iter-1 list result)
                  (if (c-null? list)
                      (iter-1 (c-cdr list)
                              (c-cons (c-car list) result))))
                (define (iter-2 list-of-list result)
                  (if (c-null? list-of-list)
                      (if (c-list? (c-car list-of-list))
                          (iter-2 (c-cdr list-of-list)
                                  (iter-1 (c-reverse (c-car list-of-list))
                          (error '|(append) wrong type of argument --| args))))
                (iter-2 (c-cdr reversed) o))

  (define (binary-port? . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (c-binary-port? (c-car args))
        (error '|(binary-port?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))
  (define (boolean=? . args)
    (if (c-< 1 (c-length args))
          (define boolean (c-car args))
          (if (c-boolean? boolean)
                (define (iter booleans)
                  (if (c-null? booleans)
                      (if (c-boolean? (c-car booleans))
                          (if (c-eq? (c-car booleans) boolean)
                              (iter (c-cdr booleans))
                          (error '|(boolean=?) wrong type of argument --|
                (iter (c-cdr args)))
              (error '|(boolean=?) wrong type of argument --| args)))
        (error '|(boolean=?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))
  (define (boolean? . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (c-boolean? (c-car args))
        (error '|(boolean?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (bytevector . args)
    (define (byte? o) (and (c-integer? o) (c-exact? o) (c-< -1 o) (c-< o 256)))
    (define (bytes? bytes)
      (if (c-null? bytes)
          (if (byte? (c-car bytes))
              (bytes? (c-cdr bytes))
    (if (bytes? args)
        (c-apply c-bytevector args)
        (error '|(bytevector) wrong type of argument --| args)))

  (define (bytevector-append . args)
    (define (bytevectors? bytevectors)
      (if (c-null? bytevectors)
          (if (c-bytevector? (c-car bytevectors))
              (bytevectors? (c-cdr bytevectors))
    (if (bytevectors? args)
        (c-apply c-bytevector-append args)
        (error '|(bytevector-append) wrong type of argument --| args)))
  (define (bytevector-copy . args)
    (define len (c-length args))
    (if (and (c-< 0 len) (c-< len 4))
          (define bytevector (c-car args))
          (if (c-bytevector? bytevector)
                (define bytevector-len (c-bytevector-length bytevector))
                (define start (if (c-= len 1)
                                  (c-cadr args)))
                (define end (if (c-< len 3)
                                (c-caddr args)))
                (if (and (c-integer? start) (c-exact? start)
                         (c-integer? end) (c-exact? end)
                         (c-< -1 start) (c-< end (c-+ bytevector-len 1))
                         (c-< start end))
                    (c-bytevector-copy bytevector start end)
                    (error '|(bytevector-copy) wrong type of argument --| args)))
              (error '|(bytevector-copy) wrong type of argument --| args)))
        (error '|(bytevector-copy) wrong number of arguments --| args)))
  (define (bytevector-length . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (if (c-bytevector? (c-car args))
            (c-bytevector-length (c-car args))
            (error '|(bytevector-length) wrong type of argument --| args))
        (error '|(bytevector-length) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (bytevector-u8-ref . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 2)
          (define bv (c-car args))
          (define k (c-cadr args))
          (if (and (c-bytevector? bv)
                   (c-integer? k)
                   (c-exact? k)
                   (c-< -1 k)
                   (c-< k (c-bytevector-length bv)))
              (c-bytevector-u8-ref bv k)
              (error '|(bytevector-u8-ref) wrong type of argument --| args)))
        (error '|(bytevector-u8-ref) wrong number of arguments --| args)))
  (define (bytevector-u8-set! . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 3)
          (define bv (c-car args))
          (define k (c-cadr args))
          (define byte (c-caddr args))
          (if (and (c-bytevector? bv)
                   (c-integer? k)
                   (c-exact? k)
                   (c-< -1 k)
                   (c-< k (c-bytevector-length bv)))
              (c-bytevector-u8-set! bv k byte)
              (error '|(bytevector-u8-set!) wrong type of argument --| args)))
        (error '|(bytevector-u8-set!) wrong number of arguments --| args)))
  (define (bytevector? . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (c-bytevector? (c-car args))
        (error '|(bytevector?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))
  (define (car . args)
    (if (= (c-length args) 1)
        (if (c-pair? (c-car args))
            (c-car (c-car args))
            (error '|(car) wrong type of argument --| args))
        (error '|(car) wrong number of arguments --| args)))
  (define (cdr . args)
    (if (= (c-length args) 1)
        (if (c-pair? (c-car args))
            (c-cdr (c-car args))
            (error '|(cdr) wrong type of argument --| args))
        (error '|(cdr) wrong number of arguments --| args)))
  (define (ceiling . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (if (c-real? (c-car args))
            (c-ceiling (c-car args))
            (error '|(ceiling) wrong type of argument --| args))
        (error '|(ceiling) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (char->integer . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (if (c-char? (c-car args))
            (c-char->integer (c-car args))
            (error '|(char->integer) wrong type of argument --| args))
        (error '|(char->integer) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (char<=? . args)
    (if (c-< 1 (c-length args))
          (define (iter char chars)
            (if (c-null? chars)
                (if (c-char? (c-car chars))
                    (if (c-char<=? char (c-car chars))
                        (iter (c-car chars) (c-cdr chars))
                    (error '|(char<=?) wrong type of argument --| args))))
          (if (c-char? (c-car args))
              (iter (c-car args) (c-cdr args))
              (error '|(char<=?) wrong type of argument --| args)))
        (error '|(char<=?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))
  (define (char<? . args)
    (if (c-< 1 (c-length args))
          (define (iter char chars)
            (if (c-null? chars)
                (if (c-char? (c-car chars))
                    (if (c-char<? char (c-car chars))
                        (iter (c-car chars) (c-cdr chars))
                    (error '|(char<?) wrong type of argument --| args))))
          (if (c-char? (c-car args))
              (iter (c-car args) (c-cdr args))
              (error '|(char<?) wrong type of argument --| args)))
        (error '|(char<?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))
  (define (char=? . args)
    (if (c-< 1 (c-length args))
          (define (iter char chars)
            (if (c-null? chars)
                (if (c-char? (c-car chars))
                    (if (c-char=? char (c-car chars))
                        (iter (c-car chars) (c-cdr chars))
                    (error '|(char=?) wrong type of argument --| args))))
          (if (c-char? (c-car args))
              (iter (c-car args) (c-cdr args))
              (error '|(char=?) wrong type of argument --| args)))
        (error '|(char=?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))
  (define (char>=? . args)
    (if (c-< 1 (c-length args))
          (define (iter char chars)
            (if (c-null? chars)
                (if (c-char? (c-car chars))
                    (if (c-char>=? char (c-car chars))
                        (iter (c-car chars) (c-cdr chars))
                    (error '|(char>=?) wrong type of argument --| args))))
          (if (c-char? (c-car args))
              (iter (c-car args) (c-cdr args))
              (error '|(char>=?) wrong type of argument --| args)))
        (error '|(char>=?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))
  (define (char>? . args)
    (if (c-< 1 (c-length args))
          (define (iter char chars)
            (if (c-null? chars)
                (if (c-char? (c-car chars))
                    (if (c-char>? char (c-car chars))
                        (iter (c-car chars) (c-cdr chars))
                    (error '|(char>?) wrong type of argument --| args))))
          (if (c-char? (c-car args))
              (iter (c-car args) (c-cdr args))
              (error '|(char>?) wrong type of argument --| args)))
        (error '|(char>?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))
  (define (char? . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (c-char? (c-car args))
        (error '|(char?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (close-input-port . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (if (c-input-port? (c-car args))
            (c-close-port (c-car args))
            (error '|(close-input-port) wrong type of argument --| args))
        (error '|(close-input-port) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (close-output-port . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (if (c-output-port? (c-car args))
            (c-close-port (c-car args))
            (error '|(close-output-port) wrong type of argument --| args))
        (error '|(close-output-port) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (close-port . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (if (c-port? (c-car args))
            (c-close-port (c-car args))
            (error '|(close-port) wrong type of argument --| args))
        (error '|(close-port) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (complex? . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (c-complex? (c-car args))
        (error '|(complex?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))
  (define (cons . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 2)
        (c-cons (c-car args) (c-cadr args))
        (error '|(cons) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (current-error-port . args)
    (if (c-null? args)
        (error '|(current-error-port) wrong number of arguments --| args)))
  (define (current-input-port . args)
    (if (c-null? args)
        (error '|(current-input-port) wrong number of arguments --| args)))
  (define (current-output-port . args)
    (if (c-null? args)
        (error '|(current-output-port) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (denominator . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (if (and (c-number? (c-car args)) (c-exact? (c-car args)))
            (c-denominator (c-car args))
            (error '|(denominator) wrong type of argument --| args))
        (error '|(denominator) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (eof-object . args)
    (if (c-null? args)
        (error '|(eof-object) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (eof-object? . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (c-eof-object? (c-car args))
        (error '|(eof-object?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (eq? . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 2)
        (c-eq? (c-car args) (c-cadr args))
        (error '|(eq?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (eqv? . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 2)
        (c-eqv? (c-car args) (c-cadr args))
        (error '|(eqv?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (even? . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (if (c-integer? (c-car args))
            (c-even? (c-car args))
            (error '|(even?) wrong type of argument --| args))
        (error '|(even?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (exact . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (if (c-number? (c-car args))
            (c-exact (c-car args))
            (error '|(exact) wrong type of argument --| args))
        (error '|(exact) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (exact? . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (if (c-number? (c-car args))
            (c-exact? (c-car args))
            (error '|(exact?) wrong type of argument --| args))
        (error '|(exact?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (expt . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 2)
        (if (and (c-number? (c-car args)) (c-number? (c-cadr args)))
            (if (and (c-exact? (c-car args))
                     (c-exact? (c-cadr args)))
                (c-expt (c-car args) (c-cadr args))
                (c-expt (c-inexact (c-car args))
                        (c-inexact (c-cadr args))))
            (error '|(expt) wrong type of argument --| args))
        (error '|(expt) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (floor . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (if (c-real? (c-car args))
            (c-floor (c-car args))
            (error '|(floor) wrong type of argument --| args))
        (error '|(floor) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (flush-output-port . args)
    (define len (c-length args))
    (if (c-< 1 len)
        (error '|(flush-output-port) wrong number of arguments --| args)
          (define port (if (c-= len 0)
                           (c-car args)))
          (if (c-output-port? port)
              (c-flush-output-port port)
              (error '|(flush-output-port) wrong type of argument --| args)))))

  (define (gcd . args)
    (define (iter n nums e?)
      (if (c-null? nums)
          (if e?
              (c-inexact n))
          (if (c-integer? (c-car nums))
              (if (and e? (c-exact? (c-car nums)))
                  (iter (c-gcd n (c-car nums))
                        (c-cdr nums)
                  (iter (c-gcd (c-exact n)
                               (c-exact (c-car nums)))
                        (c-cdr nums)
              (error '|(gcd) wrong type of argument --| args))))
    (iter 0 args #t))

  (define (inexact . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (if (c-number? (c-car args))
            (c-inexact (c-car args))
            (error '|(inexact) wrong type of argument --| args))
        (error '|(inexact) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (input-port-open? . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (if (c-input-port? (c-car args))
            (c-input-port-open? (c-car args))
            (error '|(input-port-open?) wrong type of argument --| args))
        (error '|(input-port-open?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (input-port? . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (c-input-port? (c-car args))
        (error '|(input-port?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (integer->char . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
          (define n (c-car args))
          (if (and (c-integer? n)
                   (c-< -1 n)
                   (c-< n 4294967296))
              (c-integer->char n)
              (error '|(integer->char) wrong type of argument --| args)))
        (error '|(integer->char) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (integer? . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (c-integer? (c-car args))
        (error '|(integer?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (lcm . args)
    (define (iter n nums e?)
      (if (c-null? nums)
          (if e?
              (c-inexact n))
          (if (c-integer? (c-car nums))
              (if (and e? (c-exact? (c-car nums)))
                  (iter (c-lcm n (c-car nums))
                        (c-cdr nums)
                  (iter (c-lcm (c-exact n)
                               (c-exact (c-car nums)))
                        (c-cdr nums)
              (error '|(lcm) wrong type of argument --| args))))
    (iter 1 args #t))
  (define (length . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (if (c-list? (c-car args))
            (c-length (c-car args))
            (error '|(length) wrong type of argument --| args))
        (error '|(length) wrong number of arguments --| args)))
  (define (list . args) args)
  (define (list? . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (c-list? (c-car args))
        (error '|(list?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (list->string . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (if (c-list? (c-car args))
              (define (chars? list)
                (if (c-null? list)
                    (if (c-char? (c-car list))
                        (chars? (c-cdr list))
              (if (chars? (c-car args))
                  (c-list->string (c-car args))
                  (error '|(list->string) wrong type of argument --| args)))
            (error '|(list->string) wrong type of argument --| args))
        (error '|(list->string) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (make-bytevector . args)
    (define len (c-length args))
    (if (or (c-< len 1) (c-< 2 len))
        (error '|(make-bytevector) wrong number of arguments --| args)
          (define k (c-car args))
          (define byte (if (c-= len 1)
                           (c-cadr args)))
          (if (and (c-integer? k) (c-exact? k) (c-< -1 k)
                   (c-integer? byte) (c-exact? byte)
                   (c-< -1 byte) (c-< byte 256))
              (c-make-bytevector k byte)
              (error '|(make-bytevector) wrong type of argument --| args)))))

  (define (make-list . args)
    (define len (c-length args))
    (if (or (c-< len 1) (c-< 2 len))
        (error '|(make-list) wrong number of arguments --| args)
          (define k (c-car args))
          (define fill (if (c-= len 1)
                           (c-cadr args)))
          (if (and (c-integer? k) (c-exact? k) (c-< -1 k))
              (c-make-list k fill)
              (error '|(make-list) wrong type of argument --| args)))))

  (define (make-string . args)
    (define len (c-length args))
    (if (or (c-< len 1) (c-< 2 len))
        (error '|(make-string) wrong number of arguments --| args)
          (define k (c-car args))
          (define char (if (c-= len 1)
                           (c-cadr args)))
          (if (and (c-integer? k) (c-exact? k) (c-< -1 k))
              (c-make-string k char)
              (error '|(make-string) wrong type of argument --| args)))))

  (define (negative? . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (if (c-real? (c-car args))
            (c-negative? (c-car args))
            (error '|(negative?) wrong type of argument --| args))
        (error '|(negative?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (newline . args)
    (define len (c-length args))
    (if (c-< len 2)
          (define port (if (c-= len 1)
                           (c-car args)
          (if (c-output-port? port)
              (c-newline port)
              (error '|(newline) wrong type of argument --| args)))
        (error '|(newline) wrong number of arguments --| args)))
  (define (null? . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (c-null? (c-car args))
        (error '|(null?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (number? . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (c-number? (c-car args))
        (error '|(number?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (numerator . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (if (c-exact? (c-car args))
            (c-numerator (c-car args))
            (error '|(numerator) wrong type of argument --| args))
        (error '|(numerator) wrong number of arguments --| args)))
  (define (odd? . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (if (c-integer? (c-car args))
            (c-odd? (c-car args))
            (error '|(odd?) wrong type of argument --| args))
        (error '|(odd?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (output-port-open? . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (if (c-output-port? (c-car args))
            (c-output-port-open? (c-car args))
            (error '|(output-port-open?) wrong type of argument --| args))
        (error '|(output-port-open?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (output-port? . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (c-output-port? (c-car args))
        (error '|(output-port?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (pair? . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (c-pair? (c-car args))
        (error '|(pair?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (port? . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (c-port? (c-car args))
        (error '|(port?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (positive? . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (if (c-real? (c-car args))
            (c-positive? (c-car args))
            (error '|(positive?) wrong type of argument --| args))
        (error '|(positive?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (rational? . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
          (define obj (c-car args))
          (and (c-real? obj) (c-= (c-exact obj) obj)))
        (error '|(rational?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (read-bytevector . args)
    (define len (c-length args))
    (if (and (c-< 0 len) (c-< len 3))
          (define k (c-car args))
          (define port (if (c-= len 2)
                           (c-cadr args)
          (if (and (c-integer? k) (c-exact? k) (c-< -1 k)
                   (c-input-port? port))
              (c-read-bytevector k port)
              (error '|(read-bytevector) wrong type of argument --| args)))
        (error '|(read-bytevector) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (read-char . args)
    (define len (c-length args))
    (if (c-< len 2)
          (define port (if (c-= len 1)
                           (c-car args)
          (if (and (c-input-port? port) (c-input-port-open? port) (c-textual-port? port))
              (c-read-char port)
              (error '|(read-char) wrong type of argument --| args)))
        (error '|(read-char) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (read-u8 . args)
    (define len (c-list? args))
    (if (c-< len 2)
          (define port (if (c-= len 0)
                           (c-car args)))
          (if (and (c-input-port? port)
                   (c-binary-port? port)
                   (c-input-port-open? port))
              (c-read-u8 port)
              (error '|(read-u8) wrong type of argument --| args)))
        (error '|(read-u8) wrong number of arguments --| args)))
  (define (real? . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (c-real? (c-car args))
        (error '|(real?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (reverse . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (if (c-list? (c-car args))
            (c-reverse (c-car args))
            (error '|(reverse) wrong type of argument --| args))
        (error '|(reverse) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (round . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (if (c-real? (c-car args))
            (c-round (c-car args))
            (error '|(round) wrong type of argument --| args))
        (error '|(round) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (set-car! . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 2)
          (define pair (c-car args))
          (if (c-pair? pair)
              (c-set-car! pair (c-cadr args))
              (error '|(set-car!) wrong type of argument --| args)))
        (error '|(set-car!) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (set-cdr! . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 2)
          (define pair (c-car args))
          (if (c-pair? pair)
              (c-set-cdr! pair (c-cadr args))
              (error '|(set-cdr!) wrong type of argument --| args)))
        (error '|(set-cdr!) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (square . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (if (c-number? (c-car args))
            (c-square (c-car args))
            (error '|(square) wrong type of argument --| args))
        (error '|(square) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (string->list . args)
    (define len (c-length args))
    (if (and (c-< 0 len) (c-< len 4))
          (define string (c-car args))
          (define start (if (c-< 1 len) (c-cadr args) 0))
          (if (c-string? string)
                (define str-len (c-string-length string))
                (define end (if (c-= len 3) (c-caddr args) str-len))
                (if (and (c-integer? start) (c-exact? start)
                         (c-integer? end) (c-exact? end))
                    (if (and (c-< -1 start) (c-< start end)
                             (c-< end (c-+ str-len 1)))
                        (c-string->list string start end)
                        (error '|(string->list) out of range --| args))
                    (error '|(string->list) wrong type of argument --| args)))
              (error '|(string->list) wrong type of argument --| args)))
        (error '|(string->list) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (string->number . args)
    (define len (c-length args))
    (if (and (c-< 0 len) (c-< len 3))
          (define string (c-car args))
          (define radix (if (c-= len 1)
                            (c-cadr args)))
          (if (and (c-string? string)
                   (or (c-= radix 2)
                       (c-= radix 8)
                       (c-= radix 10)
                       (c-= radix 16)))
              (c-string->number string radix)
              (error '|(string->number) wrong type of argument --| args)))
        (error '|(string->number) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (string->symbol . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (if (c-string? (c-car args))
            (c-string->symbol (c-car args))
            (error '|(string->symbol) wrong type of argument --| args))
        (error '|(string->symbol) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (string->utf8 . args)
    (define len (c-length args))
    (if (and (c-< 0 len) (c-< len 4))
          (define string (c-car args))
          (define start (if (c-< 1 len)
                            (c-cadr args)
          (if (c-string? string)
                (define str-len (c-string-length string))
                (define end (if (c-< 2 len)
                                (c-caddr args)
                (if (and (c-integer? start) (c-exact? start)
                         (c-integer? end) (c-exact? end))
                    (if (and (c-< -1 start) (c-< start end)
                             (c-< end (c-+ str-len 1)))
                        (c-string->utf8 string start end)
                        (error '|(string->utf8) out of range --| args))
                    (error '|(string->utf8) wrong type of argument --| args)))
              (error '|(string->utf8) wrong type of argument --| args)))
        (error '|(string->utf8) wrong number of arguments --| args)))
  (define (string-length . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (if (c-string? (c-car args))
            (c-string-length (c-car args))
            (error '|(string-length) wrong type of argument --| args))
        (error '|(string-length) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (string-ref . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 2)
          (define string (c-car args))
          (define k (c-cadr args))
          (if (and (c-string? string)
                   (c-integer? k) (c-exact? k) (c-< -1 k))
              (if (c-< k (c-string-length string))
                  (c-string-ref string k)
                  (error '|(string-ref) out of range --| args))
              (error '|(string-ref) wrong type of argument --| args)))
        (error '|(string-ref) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (string-set! . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 3)
          (define string (c-car args))
          (define k (c-cadr args))
          (define char (c-caddr args))
          (if (and (c-string? string)
                   (c-integer? k) (c-exact? k) (c-< 0 k))
              (if (c-< k (c-string-length string))
                  (c-string-set! string k char)
                  (error '|(string-set!) out of range --| args))
              (error '|(string-set!) wrong type of argument --| args)))
        (error '|(string-set!) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (string<=? . args)
    (if (c-< 1 (c-length args))
          (define (iter string string-of-list)
            (if (c-null? string-of-list)
                (if (c-string? (c-car string-of-list))
                    (if (c-string<=? string (c-car string-of-list))
                        (iter (c-car string-of-list) (c-cdr string-of-list))
                    (error '|(string<=?) wrong type of argument --| args))))
          (if (c-string? (c-car args))
              (iter (c-car args) (c-cdr args))
              (error '|(string<=?) wrong type of argument --| args)))
        (error '|(string<=?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (string<? . args)
    (if (c-< 1 (c-length args))
          (define (iter string string-of-list)
            (if (c-null? string-of-list)
                (if (c-string? (c-car string-of-list))
                    (if (c-string<? string (c-car string-of-list))
                        (iter (c-car string-of-list) (c-cdr string-of-list))
                    (error '|(string<?) wrong type of argument --| args))))
          (if (c-string? (c-car args))
              (iter (c-car args) (c-cdr args))
              (error '|(string<?) wrong type of argument --| args)))
        (error '|(string<?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (string=? . args)
    (if (c-< 1 (c-length args))
          (define (iter string string-of-list)
            (if (c-null? string-of-list)
                (if (c-string? (c-car string-of-list))
                    (if (c-string=? string (c-car string-of-list))
                        (iter (c-car string-of-list) (c-cdr string-of-list))
                    (error '|(string=?) wrong type of argument --| args))))
          (if (c-string? (c-car args))
              (iter (c-car args) (c-cdr args))
              (error '|(string=?) wrong type of argument --| args)))
        (error '|(string=?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (string>=? . args)
    (if (c-< 1 (c-length args))
          (define (iter string string-of-list)
            (if (c-null? string-of-list)
                (if (c-string? (c-car string-of-list))
                    (if (c-string>=? string (c-car string-of-list))
                        (iter (c-car string-of-list) (c-cdr string-of-list))
                    (error '|(string>=?) wrong type of argument --| args))))
          (if (c-string? (c-car args))
              (iter (c-car args) (c-cdr args))
              (error '|(string>=?) wrong type of argument --| args)))
        (error '|(string>=?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (string>? . args)
    (if (c-< 1 (c-length args))
          (define (iter string string-of-list)
            (if (c-null? string-of-list)
                (if (c-string? (c-car string-of-list))
                    (if (c-string>? string (c-car string-of-list))
                        (iter (c-car string-of-list) (c-cdr string-of-list))
                    (error '|(string>?) wrong type of argument --| args))))
          (if (c-string? (c-car args))
              (iter (c-car args) (c-cdr args))
              (error '|(string>?) wrong type of argument --| args)))
        (error '|(string>?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))
  (define (string? . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (c-string? (c-car args))
        (error '|(string-length) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (symbol->string . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (if (c-symbol? (c-car args))
            (c-symbol->string (c-car args))
            (error '|(symbol->string) wrong type of argument --| args))
        (error '|(symbol->string) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (symbol=? . args)
    (if (c-< 1 (c-length args))
          (define (iter symbol symbol-of-list)
            (if (c-null? symbol-of-list)
                (if (c-symbol? (c-car symbol-of-list))
                    (if (c-symbol=? symbol (c-car symbol-of-list))
                        (iter (c-car symbol-of-list) (c-cdr symbol-of-list))
                    (error '|(symbol=?) wrong type of argument --| args))))
          (if (c-symbol? (c-car args))
              (iter (c-car args) (c-cdr args))
              (error '|(symbol=?) wrong type of argument --| args)))
        (error '|(symbol=?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))
  (define (textual-port? . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (c-textual-port? (c-car args))
        (error '|(textual-port?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (truncate . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (if (c-real? (c-car args))
            (c-truncate (c-car args))
            (error '|(truncate) wrong type of argument --| args))
        (error '|(truncate) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (utf8->string . args)
    (define len (c-length args))
    (if (and (c-< 0 len) (c-< len 4))
          (define bytevector (c-car args))
          (define start (if (c-< 1 len)
                            (c-cadr args)
          (if (c-bytevector? bytevector)
                (define bv-len (c-bytevector-length bytevector))
                (define end (if (c-= len 3)
                                (c-caddr args)
                (if (and (c-integer? start) (c-exact? start) (c-< -1 start)
                         (c-integer? end) (c-exact? end) (c-< end (c-+ bv-len 1))
                         (c-< start end))
                    (c-utf8->string bytevector start end)
                    (error '|(utf8->string) wrong type of argument --| args)))
              (error '|(utf8->string) wrong type of argument --| args)))
        (error '|(utf8->string) wrong number of arguments --| args)))
  (define (vector? . args)
    (if (c-= (c-length args) 1)
        (c-vector? (c-car args))
        (error '|(vector?) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (write-bytevector . args)
    (define len (c-length args))
    (if (and (c-< 0 len) (c-< len 5))
          (define bytevector (c-car args))
          (define port (if (c-< 1 len)
                           (c-cadr args)
          (define start (if (c-< 2 len)
                            (c-caddr args)
          (if (and (c-bytevector? bytevector)
                   (c-binary-port? port)
                   (c-output-port-open? port))
                (define bv-len (c-bytevector-length bytevector))
                (define end (if (c-= len 4)
                                (c-cadddr args)
                (if (and (c-integer? start) (c-exact? start) (c-< -1 start)
                         (c-integer? end) (c-exact? end) (c-< end (c-+ bv-len 1))
                         (c-< start end))
                    (c-write-bytevector bytevector port start end)
                    (error '|(write-bytevector) wrong type of argument --| args)))
              (error '|(write-bytevector) wrong type of argument --| args)))
        (error '|(write-bytevector) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (write-char . args)
    (define len (c-length args))
    (if (and (c-< 0 len) (c-< 3))
          (define char (c-car args))
          (define port (if (c-= len 2)
                           (c-cadr args)
          (if (and (c-char? char)
                   (c-textual-port? port)
                   (c-output-port-open? port))
              (c-write-char char port)
              (error '|(write-char) wrong type of argument --| args)))
        (error '|(write-char) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (write-string . args)
    (define len (c-length args))
    (if (and (c-< 0 len) (c-< len 5))
          (define string (c-car args))
          (define port (if (c-< 1 len)
                           (c-cadr args)
          (define start (if (c-< 2 len)
                            (c-caddr args)
          (if (and (c-string? string)
                   (c-textual-port? port)
                   (c-output-port-open? port))
                (define str-len (c-string-length string))
                (define end (if (c-= len 4)
                                (c-cadddr args)
                (if (and (c-integer? start) (c-exact? start) (c-< -1 start)
                         (c-integer? end) (c-exact? end) (c-< end (c-+ str-len 1))
                         (c-< start end))
                    (c-write-string string port start end)
                    (error '|(write-string) wrong type of argument --| args)))
              (error '|(write-string) wrong type of argument --| arg)))
        (error '|(write-string) wrong number of arguments --| args)))

  (define (write-u8 . args)
    (define len (c-length args))
    (if (and (c-< 0 len) (c-< 3))
          (define byte (c-car args))
          (define port (if (c-= len 2)
                           (c-cadr args)
          (if (and (c-integer? byte) (c-exact? byte)
                   (c-< -1 byte) (c-< byte 256)
                   (c-binary-port? port)
                   (c-output-port-open? port))
              (c-write-u8 byte port)
              (error '|(write-u8) wrong type of argument --| args)))
        (error '|(write-u8) wrong number of arguments --| args)))



  (define (assoc obj alist . args)
    (define cmp (if (null? args)
                    (car args)
    (define (iter alist)
      (if (null? alist)
          (if (cmp (car (car alist)) obj)
              (car alist)
              (iter (cdr alist)))))
    (iter alist))
  (define (assq obj alist) (assoc obj alist eq?))
  (define (assv obj alist) (assoc obj alist eqv?))
  (define (bytevector-copy! to at from . args)
    (define len (length args))
    (define start (if (= len 0) 0 (car args)))
    (define end (if (= len 2) (cadr args) (bytevector-length from)))
    (define (iter i j)
      (if (< j end)
            (bytevector-u8-set! to i (bytevector-u8-ref from j))
            (iter (+ i 1) (+ j 1)))))
    (iter at start))
  (define (caar pair) (car (car pair)))
  (define (cadr pair) (car (cdr pair)))
  (define (cdar pair) (cdr (car pair)))
  (define (cddr pair) (cdr (cdr pair)))

  (define (equal? obj-1 obj-2)
    (if (and (pair? obj-1) (pair? obj-2))
        (and (equal? (car obj-1) (car obj-2)) (equal? (cdr obj-1) (cdr obj-2)))
        (if (and (vector? obj-1) (vector? obj-2))
            (equal? (vector->list obj-1) (vector->list obj-2))
            (if (and (string? obj-1) (string? obj-2))
                (equal? (string->list obj-1) (string->list obj-2))
                (if (and (bytevector? obj-1) (bytevector? obj-2))
                    (equal? (utf8->string obj-1) (utf8->string obj-2))
                    (eqv? obj-1 obj-2))))))

  (define (exact-integer? z)
    (and (number? z) (exact? z) (integer? z)))

  (define (floor-quotient n1 n2) (floor (/ n1 n2)))
  (define (floor-remainder n1 n2) (- n1 (* (floor-quotient n1 n2) n2)))

  (define (for-each proc list . list-of-list)
    (define (iter-1 list-of-list)
      (if (not (null? list-of-list))
            (apply proc (car list-of-list))
            (iter-1 (cdr list-of-list)))))
    (define (cxrs cxr list-of-list)
      (if (null? list-of-list)
          (cons (cxr (car list-of-list))
                (cxrs cxr (cdr list-of-list)))))
    (define (list->list list-of-list)
      (if (memq '() list-of-list)
          (cons (cxrs car list-of-list)
                (list->list (cxrs cdr list-of-list)))))
    (iter-1 (list->list (cons list list-of-list))))

  (define (inexact? z) (not (exact? z)))

  (define (list-copy obj)
    (if (pair? obj)
          (define (iter pair)
            (if (pair? pair)
                (cons (car pair)
                      (iter (cdr pair)))
          (iter obj))

  (define (list-ref list k)
    (define (iter list i)
      (if (= i k)
          (car list)
          (iter (cdr list) (+ i 1))))
    (iter list 0))

  (define (list-set! list k obj)
    (define (iter list i)
      (if (= i k)
          (set-car! list obj)
          (iter (cdr list) (+ i 1))))
    (iter list 0))

  (define (list-tail list k)
    (if (= k 0)
        (list-tail (cdr list) (- k 1))))

  (define (map proc list . list-of-list)
    (define (iter-1 list-of-list)
      (if (null? list-of-list)
          (cons (apply proc (car list-of-list))
                (iter-1 (cdr list-of-list)))))
    (define (cxrs cxr list-of-list)
      (if (null? list-of-list)
          (cons (cxr (car list-of-list))
                (cxrs cxr (cdr list-of-list)))))
    (define (list->list list-of-list)
      (if (memq '() list-of-list)
          (cons (cxrs car list-of-list)
                (list->list (cxrs cdr list-of-list)))))
    (iter-1 (list->list (cons list list-of-list))))

  (define (max x . xs)
    (define (iter x xs)
      (if (null? xs)
          (if (< x (car xs))
              (iter (car xs) (cdr xs))
              (iter x (cdr xs)))))
    (iter x xs))

  (define (member obj list compare)
    (if (null? list)
        (if (compare obj (car list))
            (member obj (cdr list) compare))))
  (define (memq obj list) (member obj list eq?))

  (define (memv obj list) (member obj list memv))

  (define (min x . xs)
    (define (iter x xs)
      (if (null? xs)
          (if (< x (car xs))
              (iter x (cdr xs))
              (iter (car xs) (cdr xs)))))
    (iter x xs))

  (define (not obj) (if obj #f #t))  

  (define (number->string z . args)
    (define radix (if (null? args)
                      (car args)))
    (define (digits->char n)
      (if (< n 10)
          (integer->char (+ n (char->integer #\0)))
          (integer->char (+ (- n 10) (char->integer #\a)))))
    (define (iter z i result)
      (if (= z 0)
          (list->string result)
          (iter (- z (remainder z (expt radix (+ i 1))))
                (+ i 1)
                (cons (digits->char (/ (remainder z (expt radix (+ i 1))) (expt radix i)))
    (iter (- z (remainder z radix))
          (list (digits->char (+ (remainder z radix))))))

  (define (rationalize x y)
    (define diff (abs y))           
    (define low (- x diff))
    (define high (+ x diff))
    (define proc (if (and (exact? x) (exact? y)) exact inexact))
    (if (<= (* low high) 0)
        (proc 0)
        (if (= low high)
            (proc low)
              (define sign (if (positive? x) 1 -1))
              (define low0 (if (positive? sign) low (abs high)))
              (define high0 (if (positive? sign) high (abs low)))
              (define (between? x) (and (<= low0 x) (<= x high0)))
              (define (stern-brocot-tree pnum pden qnum qden)
                (define a (/ (+ pnum qnum)
                             (+ pden qden)))
                (if (between? a)
                    ((lambda ()
                       (define num (numerator a))
                       (define den (denominator a))
                       (if (< high0 a)
                           (stern-brocot-tree pnum pden
                                              num den)
                           (stern-brocot-tree num den
                                              qnum qden))))))
              (proc (* sign (stern-brocot-tree 0 1 1 0)))))))

  (define (read-line . args)
    (define port (if (null? args)
                     (car args)))
    (define (iter result)
      (define char (read-char port))
      (if (eof-object? char)
          (if (or (eq? char #\newline)
                  (eq? char #\return))
              (list->string (reverse result))
              (iter (cons char result)))))
    (iter '()))

  (define (read-string k . args)
    (define port (if (null? args)
                     (car args)))
    (if (= k 0)
          (define char (read-char port))
          (if (eof-object? char)
                (define (iter i result)
                  (if (= i k)
                      (list->string (reverse result))
                        (define char (read-char port))
                        (if (eof-object? char)
                            (list->string (reverse result))
                            (iter (+ i 1) (cons char result))))))
                (iter 1 (cons char '())))))))

  (define (string . list-of-char) (list->string list-of-char))

  (define (string-append . list-of-string)
    (list->string (apply append (map string->list list-of-string))))

  (define (string-copy string . args)
    (define len (length args))
    (define start (if (< 0 len)
                      (car args)
    (define end (if (= len 2)
                    (cadr args)
                    (string-length string)))
    (define (iter list-of-char i result)
      (if (= end i)
          (list->string (reverse result))
          (if (<= start i)
              (iter (cdr list-of-char)
                    (+ i 1)
                    (cons (car list-of-char)
              (iter (cdr list-of-char)
                    (+ i 1)
    (iter (string->list string) 0 '()))

  (define (string-copy! to at from . args)
    (define len (length args))
    (define start (if (< 0 len)
                      (car args)
    (define end (if (= len 2)
                    (cadr args)
                    (string-length from)))
    (define (iter i j)
      (if (< i end)
            (string-set! to j (string-ref from i))
            (iter (+ i 1) (+ j 1)))))
    (iter start at))

  (define (string-fill! string fill . args)
    (define len (length args))
    (define start (if (< 0 len)
                      (car args)
    (define end (if (= len 2)
                    (cadr args)
                    (string-length string)))
    (define (iter i)
      (if (< i end)
            (string-set! string i fill)
            (iter (+ i 1)))))
    (iter start))

  (define (string-for-each proc string . list-of-string)
    (define (iter-1 list-of-list)
      (if (not (null? list-of-list))
            (apply proc (car list-of-list))
            (iter-1 (cdr list-of-list)))))
    (define (cxrs cxr list-of-list)
      (if (null? list-of-list)
          (cons (cxr (car list-of-list))
                (cxrs cxr (cdr list-of-list)))))
    (define (list->list list-of-list)
      (if (memq '() list-of-list)
          (cons (cxrs car list-of-list)
                (list->list (cxrs cdr list-of-list)))))
    (iter-1 (list->list (map string->list (cons string list-of-string)))))

  (define (string-map proc string . list-of-string)
    (define (iter-1 list-of-list)
      (if (null? list-of-list)
          (cons (apply proc (car list-of-list))
                (iter-1 (cdr list-of-list)))))
    (define (cxrs cxr list-of-list)
      (if (null? list-of-list)
          (cons (cxr (car list-of-list))
                (cxrs cxr (cdr list-of-list)))))
    (define (list->list list-of-list)
      (if (memq '() list-of-list)
          (cons (cxrs car list-of-list)
                (list->list (cxrs cdr list-of-list)))))
    (list->string (iter-1 (list->list (map string->list (cons string list-of-string))))))

  (define (truncate-quotient n1 n2) (truncate (/ n1 n2)))
  (define (truncate-remainder n1 n2) (- n1 (* (truncate-quotient n1 n2) n2)))

  (define (zero? z) (= z 0))

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