- macOS Sierra - Apple (OS)
- Emacs (Text Editor)
- C, Scheme (プログラミング言語)
- Clang/LLVM (コンパイラ, Xcode - Apple)
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Cを高級アセンブラーとした、Scheme の コンパイラー(ksc)、インタプリター(ksi)の作成で、標準ライブラリの char ライブラリの手続きのを実装。
今後、標準ライブラリの手続きはとりあえず合成手続きで実装して(compound_procedures.scm)、その後、速度向上の為に基本手続き(primitive_procedures.scm とC言語側)として実装していくことに。(ということで、現段階ではどの手続きも(凄く)遅い。)
(begin ;; (define (primitive-procedure? proc) (tagged-list? proc 'primitive)) (define (primitive-implementation proc) (cdr proc)) (load "./lib/stdlib/base/primitive_procedures.scm") (load "./lib/stdlib/char/primitive_procedures.scm") (define primitive-procedures (list ;; char (c-cons 'char-alphabetic? char-alphabetic?) (c-cons 'char-ci<=? char-ci<=?) (c-cons 'char-ci<? char-ci<?) (c-cons 'char-ci=? char-ci=?) (c-cons 'char-ci>=? char-ci>=?) (c-cons 'char-ci>? char-ci>?) (c-cons 'char-downcase char-downcase) (c-cons 'char-foldcase char-foldcase) (c-cons 'char-lower-case? char-lower-case?) (c-cons 'char-numeric? char-numeric?) (c-cons 'char-upcase char-upcase) (c-cons 'char-upper-case? char-upper-case?) (c-cons 'char-whitespace? char-whitespace?) (c-cons 'digit-value digit-value) )) (define (map proc list) (if (c-null? list) '() (c-cons (proc (car list)) (map proc (cdr list))))) (define (primitive-procedure-names) (map car primitive-procedures)) (define (primitive-procedure-objects) (map (lambda (proc) (cons 'primitive (cdr proc))) primitive-procedures)) (define (setup-environment) ((lambda (initial-env) (define-variable! 'quote quote initial-env) (define-variable! 'lambda lambda initial-env) (define-variable! 'define define initial-env) (define-variable! 'set! set! initial-env) (define-variable! 'if if initial-env) (define-variable! 'begin begin initial-env) (define-variable! 'and and initial-env) (define-variable! 'or or initial-env) (define-variable! 'load load initial-env) initial-env) (extend-environment (primitive-procedure-names) (primitive-procedure-objects) the-empty-environment))) (define the-global-environment (setup-environment)) (define input-prompt "> ") (define output-prompt "=> ") (define input-port (current-input-port)) (define output-port (current-output-port)) (define (driver-loop) (prompt-for-input input-prompt) ((lambda (input) ((lambda (output) (announce-output output-prompt) (user-print output)) (eval input the-global-environment))) (read input-port)) (driver-loop)) (define (prompt-for-input string) (display string output-port)) (define (announce-output string) (display string output-port)) (define (user-print object) (if (error-object? object) (begin (display "Error: ") (if (not (eq? (error-object-message object)) '||) (display " ")) (display (error-object-message object)) (define (iter objs) (if (not (c-null? objs)) (begin (display " ") (write (car objs)) (iter (cdr objs))))) (iter (error-irritants object))) (if (primitive-procedure? object) (display '|#<primitive-procedure>| output-port) (if (compound-procedure? object) (begin (display '|#<compound-procedure | output-port) (write (procedure-parameters object) output-port) (write '> output-port)) (write object output-port)))) (newline output-port)) (eval '(begin (load "./lib/stdlib/base/compound_procedures.scm") (load "./lib/stdlib/char/compound_procedures.scm")) the-global-environment) (driver-loop) )
(begin (define (char-alphabetic? . args) (if (c-= (c-length args) 1) (if (c-char? (c-car args)) (c-char-alphabetic? (c-car args)) (error '|(char-alphabetic?) wrong type of argument --| args)) (error '|(char-alphabetic?) wrong number of arguments --| args))) (define (char-ci<=? . args) (if (c-< 1 (c-length args)) (begin (define (iter char chars) (if (c-null? chars) #t (if (c-char? (c-car chars)) (if (c-char-ci<=? char (c-car chars)) (iter (c-car chars) (c-cdr chars)) #f) (error '|(char-ci<=?) wrong type of argument --| args)))) (if (c-char? (c-car args)) (iter (c-car args) (c-cdr args)) (error '|(char-ci<=?) wrong type of argument --| args))) (error '|(char-ci<=?) wrong number of arguments --| args))) (define (char-ci<? . args) (if (c-< 1 (c-length args)) (begin (define (iter char chars) (if (c-null? chars) #t (if (c-char? (c-car chars)) (if (c-char-ci<? char (c-car chars)) (iter (c-car chars) (c-cdr chars)) #f) (error '|(char-ci<?) wrong type of argument --| args)))) (if (c-char? (c-car args)) (iter (c-car args) (c-cdr args)) (error '|(char-ci<?) wrong type of argument --| args))) (error '|(char-ci<?) wrong number of arguments --| args))) (define (char-ci=? . args) (if (c-< 1 (c-length args)) (begin (define (iter char chars) (if (c-null? chars) #t (if (c-char? (c-car chars)) (if (c-char-ci=? char (c-car chars)) (iter (c-car chars) (c-cdr chars)) #f) (error '|(char-ci=?) wrong type of argument --| args)))) (if (c-char? (c-car args)) (iter (c-car args) (c-cdr args)) (error '|(char-ci=?) wrong type of argument --| args))) (error '|(char-ci=?) wrong number of arguments --| args))) (define (char-ci>=? . args) (if (c-< 1 (c-length args)) (begin (define (iter char chars) (if (c-null? chars) #t (if (c-char? (c-car chars)) (if (c-char-ci>=? char (c-car chars)) (iter (c-car chars) (c-cdr chars)) #f) (error '|(char-ci>=?) wrong type of argument --| args)))) (if (c-char? (c-car args)) (iter (c-car args) (c-cdr args)) (error '|(char-ci>=?) wrong type of argument --| args))) (error '|(char-ci>=?) wrong number of arguments --| args))) (define (char-ci>? . args) (if (c-< 1 (c-length args)) (begin (define (iter char chars) (if (c-null? chars) #t (if (c-char? (c-car chars)) (if (c-char-ci>? char (c-car chars)) (iter (c-car chars) (c-cdr chars)) #f) (error '|(char-ci>?) wrong type of argument --| args)))) (if (c-char? (c-car args)) (iter (c-car args) (c-cdr args)) (error '|(char-ci>?) wrong type of argument --| args))) (error '|(char-ci>?) wrong number of arguments --| args))) (define (char-downcase . args) (if (c-= (c-length args) 1) (if (c-char? (c-car args)) (c-char-downcase (c-car args)) (error '|(char-downcase) wrong type of argument --| args)) (error '|(char-downcase) wrong number of arguments --| args))) (define (char-foldcase . args) (if (c-= (c-length args) 1) (if (c-char? (c-car args)) (c-char-foldcase (c-car args)) (error '|(char-foldcase) wrong type of argument --| args)) (error '|(char-foldcase) wrong number of arguments --| args))) (define (char-lower-case? . args) (if (c-= (c-length args) 1) (if (c-char? (c-car args)) (c-char-lower-case? (c-car args)) (error '|(char-lower-case?) wrong type of argument --| args)) (error '|(char-lower-case?) wrong number of arguments --| args))) (define (char-numeric? . args) (if (c-= (c-length args) 1) (if (c-char? (c-car args)) (c-char-numeric? (c-car args)) (error '|(char-numeric?) wrong type of argument --| args)) (error '|(char-numeric?) wrong number of arguments --| args))) (define (char-upcase . args) (if (c-= (c-length args) 1) (if (c-char? (c-car args)) (c-char-upcase (c-car args)) (error '|(char-upcase) wrong type of argument --| args)) (error '|(char-upcase) wrong number of arguments --| args))) (define (char-upper-case? . args) (if (c-= (c-length args) 1) (if (c-char? (c-car args)) (c-char-upper-case? (c-car args)) (error '|(char-upper-case?) wrong type of argument --| args)) (error '|(char-upper-case?) wrong number of arguments --| args))) (define (char-whitespace? . args) (if (c-= (c-length args) 1) (if (c-char? (c-car args)) (c-char-whitespace? (c-car args)) (error '|(char-whitespace?) wrong type of argument --| args)) (error '|(char-whitespace?) wrong number of arguments --| args))) (define (digit-value . args) (if (c-= (c-length args) 1) (if (c-char? (c-car args)) (c-digit-value (c-car args)) (error '|(digit-value) wrong type of argument --| args)) (error '|(digit-value) wrong number of arguments --| args))) )
(begin (define (string-ci<=? string . list-of-string) (define (iter string list-of-string) (if (null? list-of-string) #t (if (string<=? (string-foldcase string) (string-foldcase (car list-of-string))) (iter (car list-of-string) (cdr list-of-string)) #f))) (iter string list-of-string)) (define (string-ci<? string . list-of-string) (define (iter string list-of-string) (if (null? list-of-string) #t (if (string<? (string-foldcase string) (string-foldcase (car list-of-string))) (iter (car list-of-string) (cdr list-of-string)) #f))) (iter string list-of-string)) (define (string-ci=? string . list-of-string) (define (iter string list-of-string) (if (null? list-of-string) #t (if (string=? (string-foldcase string) (string-foldcase (car list-of-string))) (iter (car list-of-string) (cdr list-of-string)) #f))) (iter string list-of-string)) (define (string-ci>=? string . list-of-string) (define (iter string list-of-string) (if (null? list-of-string) #t (if (string>=? (string-foldcase string) (string-foldcase (car list-of-string))) (iter (car list-of-string) (cdr list-of-string)) #f))) (iter string list-of-string)) (define (string-ci>? string . list-of-string) (define (iter string list-of-string) (if (null? list-of-string) #t (if (string>? (string-foldcase string) (string-foldcase (car list-of-string))) (iter (car list-of-string) (cdr list-of-string)) #f))) (iter string list-of-string)) (define (string-downcase string) (string-map char-downcase string)) (define (string-foldcase string) (string-map char-foldcase string)) (define (string-upcase string) (string-map char-upcase string)) )
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