- macOS Sierra - Apple (OS)
- Emacs (Text Editor)
- JavaScript (プログラミング言語)
- Node.js, Safari(JavaScript エンジン)
- Learning JavaScript [邦訳](参考書籍)
Think Perl 6: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist (Laurent Rosenfeld(著)、Allen B. Downey(著)、Oreilly & Associates Inc)のPart 1(Starting with the basics)、Chapter 4(Fruitful Subroutines)のEIncremental Development の Exercises.を JavaScript で取り組んでみる。
<pre id="output0"></pre> <button id="run0">run</button> <button id="clear0">clear</button> <script src="sample_inc.js"></script>
let btn0 = document.querySelector('#run0'), btn1 = document.querySelector('#clear0'), pre0 = document.querySelector('#output0'), p = (x) => pre0.textContent += x + '\n', range = (start, end, step=1) => { let result = []; for (let i = start; i < end; i += step) { result.push(i); } return result; }; let hypotenuse = (x, y) => 0.0; let hypotenuse1 = (x, y) => { let xSquared = Math.pow(x, 2), ySquared = Math.pow(y, 2); p(`xSquared is ${xSquared}`); p(`ySquared is ${ySquared}`); return 0.0; }; let hypotenuse2 = (x, y) => { let xSquared = Math.pow(x, 2), ySquared = Math.pow(y, 2), sum = xSquared + ySquared; p(`sum is ${sum}`); return 0.0; }; let hypotenuse3 = (x, y) => { let xSquared = Math.pow(x, 2), ySquared = Math.pow(y, 2), sum = xSquared + ySquared, result = Math.sqrt(sum); return result; }; let output = () => { p(hypotenuse(1, 1)); p(hypotenuse(3, 4)); p(hypotenuse(1, Math.sqrt(3))); p(hypotenuse1(1, 1)); p(hypotenuse1(3, 4)); p(hypotenuse1(1, Math.sqrt(3))); p(hypotenuse2(1, 1)); p(hypotenuse2(3, 4)); p(hypotenuse2(1, Math.sqrt(3))); p(hypotenuse3(1, 1)); p(hypotenuse3(3, 4)); p(hypotenuse3(1, Math.sqrt(3))); }; btn0.onclick = output; btn1.onclick = () => pre0.textContent = ''; output();
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