- macOS Sierra - Apple (OS)
- Emacs (Text Editor)
- Perl 6 (プログラミング言語)
- Rakudo(コンパイラ、実装)
Think Perl 6: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist (Laurent Rosenfeld(著)、Allen B. Downey(著)、Oreilly & Associates Inc)のPart 1(Starting with the basics)、Chapter 9(Arrays and Lists)の Exercise 9-10.を取り組んでみる。
Exercise 9-10.
#!/usr/bin/env perl6 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- say '10.'; my @words = 'words.txt'.IO.lines; sub bisect(@array, $item) { return False unless @array; my $idx = Int(@array.elems / 2); my $middle = @array[$idx]; return True if $item eq $middle; return bisect(@array[0..$idx - 1], $item) if $item lt $middle; return bisect(@array[$idx+1..*-1], $item); } sub bisect1(@array, $item) { sub inner($idx1, $idx2) { return False unless $idx1 <= $idx2; my $idx = Int(($idx1 + $idx2) / 2); my $middle = @array[$idx]; return True if $item eq $middle; return inner($idx1, $idx - 1) if $item lt $middle; return inner($idx + 1, $idx2); } return inner(0, @array.end); } sub find(@array, $item) { for @array { return True if $_ eq $item; } return False; } for <think perl 6 aa zymurgy a zzzzzzzzzz> { say $_; my $t = now; my $bln = bisect(@words, $_); $t = now - $t; say 'bisect: ', $bln, " {$t}s"; $t = now; $bln = find(@words, $_); $t = now - $t; say 'find: ', $bln, " {$t}s"; $t = now; $bln = bisect1(@words, $_); $t = now - $t; say 'bisect1: ', $bln, " {$t}s"; }
入出力結果(Terminal, REPL)
$ ./sample10.pl 10. think bisect: True 0.1543282s find: True 0.0698243s bisect1: True 0.0010259s perl bisect: False 0.1425609s find: False 0.07582829s bisect1: False 0.0007793s 6 bisect: False 0.1442627s find: False 0.0930395s bisect1: False 0.00075812s aa bisect: True 0.1760245s find: True 0.00033429s bisect1: True 0.00065462s zymurgy bisect: True 0.14378873s find: True 0.0758514s bisect1: True 0.00061357s a bisect: False 0.14224503s find: False 0.072161s bisect1: False 0.0007307s zzzzzzzzzz bisect: False 0.14194162s find: False 0.0747634s bisect1: False 0.0005318s $
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