

Think Perl 6: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist (Laurent Rosenfeld(著)、Allen B. Downey(著)、Oreilly & Associates Inc)のPart 1(Starting with the basics)、Chapter 10(Hashes)の Exercise: 10-3、10-4.を取り組んでみる。

Exercise: 10-3、10-4.


#!/usr/bin/env perl6
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

say '3.';
sub has-duplicates(@array) {
    my %hash;
    for @array {
        return True if %hash{$_}:exists;
        %hash{$_} = 1;
    return False;

my @nums1 = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
my @nums2 = (1, 2, 1, 4, 5);
say has-duplicates(@nums1);
say has-duplicates(@nums2);

say '4.';
sub rotate-letter($letter, $n) {
    my $m = $n % 26;
    $m = $m + 26 if $m < 0;
    my $o = $letter.ord + $m;
    if $letter ~~ /<[a..z]>/ {
        return ($o - 26).chr if 'z'.ord < $o;
        return $o.chr;
    if $letter ~~ /<[A..Z]>/ {
        return ($o - 26).chr if 'Z'.ord < $o;
        return $o.chr;
    } else {
        return $letter;

sub rotate-word($word, $n) {
    my $word0 = '';
    for $word.comb -> $letter {
        $word0 ~= rotate-letter $letter, $n;
my @words = 'words.txt'.IO.lines;
my %words;
for @words {
    %words{$_} = 1;

for %words.keys.sort -> $word {
    for 1..25 -> $n {
        my $word0 = rotate-word($word, $n);
        say "$word, $word0, $n" if $word lt $word0 and %words{$word0}:exists;

入出力結果(Terminal, REPL)

$ ./sample3.pl
aah, eel, 4
aba, tut, 19
abet, hila, 7
abjurer, nowhere, 13
abo, efs, 4
abo, nob, 13
aby, deb, 3
aby, zax, 25
ache, gink, 6
act, yar, 24
acts, sulk, 18
ad, be, 1
ad, eh, 4
ad, lo, 11
ad, or, 14
add, bee, 1
add, ill, 8
add, loo, 11
adder, beefs, 1
adds, beet, 1
ado, fit, 5
ado, orc, 14
ads, bet, 1
ads, fix, 5
adz, fie, 5
ae, os, 14
aff, inn, 8
aff, zee, 25
aga, eke, 4
ah, bi, 1
ah, el, 4
ah, ho, 7
ah, nu, 13
ah, ta, 19
aha, bib, 1
aha, nun, 13
aha, tat, 19
ahem, holt, 7
ahoy, tahr, 19
ahull, gnarr, 6
ai, em, 4
ai, go, 6
ai, mu, 12
ai, ow, 14
ai, we, 22
ail, gor, 6
ail, sad, 18
ails, gory, 6
aim, sae, 18
ain, got, 6
air, gox, 6
air, mud, 12
air, wen, 22
ais, goy, 6
ait, sal, 18
ala, pap, 15
alb, doe, 3
ale, jun, 9
ale, pat, 15
ale, wha, 22
ales, path, 15
alkyd, epoch, 4
all, tee, 19
alp, dos, 3
alt, dow, 3
alto, paid, 15
alula, tenet, 19
am, my, 12
ambit, setal, 18
ambo, myna, 12
ami, sea, 18
amia, seas, 18
amu, cow, 2
an, bo, 1
an, er, 4
an, na, 13
an, re, 17
ana, bob, 1
ana, ere, 4
ana, huh, 7
ane, rev, 17
ani, hup, 7
anil, navy, 13
anna, boob, 1
ant, lye, 11
ant, nag, 13
anteed, bouffe, 1
ants, bout, 1
any, rep, 17
ape, lap, 11
ape, ods, 14
ape, pet, 15
aped, fuji, 5
aped, pets, 15
aptly, timer, 19
aqua, sims, 18
ar, of, 14
arena, river, 17
arf, dui, 3
arf, oft, 14
aril, hyps, 7
ark, dun, 3
ark, rib, 17
arm, dup, 3
arm, rid, 17
ars, jab, 9
as, me, 12
as, wo, 22
asci, skua, 18
ash, met, 12
ask, cum, 2
ask, mew, 12
asp, cur, 2
ass, woo, 22
at, ex, 4
at, ha, 7
at, oh, 14
at, pi, 15
at, un, 20
ate, ohs, 14
ate, pit, 15
ates, pith, 15
atma, hath, 7
auk, cwm, 2
ava, tot, 19
avo, fat, 5
avo, nib, 13
aw, mi, 12
aw, so, 18
awa, mim, 12
awa, sos, 18
awe, sow, 18
awl, mix, 12
awl, sod, 18
awn, ear, 4
axal, dado, 3
axe, dah, 3
axe, lip, 11
ay, om, 14
ay, us, 20
aye, oms, 14
ays, gey, 6
azo, fet, 5
azo, pod, 15
azon, fets, 5
ba, on, 13
ba, ut, 19
baa, fee, 4
baal, eddo, 3
babe, pops, 14
baff, jinn, 8
bah, uta, 19
baiza, tsars, 18
balk, onyx, 13
ban, fer, 4
banjo, ferns, 4
bar, one, 13
bar, sri, 17
barb, sris, 17
barf, ones, 13
bas, few, 4
bas, tsk, 18
bask, pogy, 14
bat, jib, 8
bat, poh, 14
batt, jibb, 8
bay, jig, 8
be, eh, 3
be, lo, 10
be, or, 13
bed, ilk, 7
bed, rut, 16
bee, ill, 7
bee, loo, 10
beef, loop, 10
beef, psst, 14
been, orra, 13
beer, illy, 7
beg, ort, 13
bel, rub, 16
ben, fir, 4
ben, lox, 10
ben, ora, 13
benni, ruddy, 16
berg, knap, 9
bet, fix, 4
bi, el, 3
bi, ho, 6
bi, nu, 12
bi, ta, 18
bias, task, 18
bib, nun, 12
bib, tat, 18
bid, tav, 18
biffs, holly, 6
big, nus, 12
bin, hot, 6
bin, ova, 13
bio, rye, 16
bio, tag, 18
bis, hoy, 6
bits, talk, 18
bitt, tall, 18
bo, er, 3
bo, na, 12
bo, re, 16
boa, hug, 6
boas, name, 12
bob, ere, 3
bob, huh, 6
bod, erg, 3
bod, nap, 12
bod, ret, 16
bods, nape, 12
boff, hull, 6
bog, hum, 6
bog, via, 20
bolls, hurry, 6
bomb, hush, 6
bombyx, hushed, 6
bony, redo, 16
boo, err, 3
boo, ree, 16
boon, reed, 16
bop, ers, 3
bop, nab, 12
bop, ref, 16
bos, nae, 12
bos, rei, 16
bos, vim, 20
bot, vin, 20
bourg, viola, 20
bow, rem, 16
box, era, 3
boy, hue, 6
boy, vis, 20
bra, sir, 17
bran, sire, 17
brie, karn, 9
brin, size, 17
brut, silk, 17
bub, hah, 6
bub, oho, 13
bub, pip, 14
bud, haj, 6
bud, vox, 20
buff, hall, 6
buffi, hallo, 6
bug, ham, 6
bug, piu, 14
bulls, harry, 6
bum, has, 6
bum, pia, 14
bun, hat, 6
bun, lex, 10
bunny, sleep, 17
bury, slip, 17
bus, hay, 6
bus, pig, 14
but, led, 10
but, von, 20
buts, hazy, 6
butyl, hazer, 6
buy, hae, 6
buy, lei, 10
by, da, 2
by, he, 6
by, if, 7
by, li, 10
by, xu, 22
bye, dag, 2
byre, khan, 9
byre, spiv, 17
byrl, spic, 17
bys, hey, 6
byte, lido, 10
calk, kits, 8
cam, use, 18
cans, kiva, 8
cant, trek, 17
cap, get, 4
capo, gets, 4
caps, ecru, 2
carp, trig, 17
cede, mono, 10
cedi, mons, 10
cee, egg, 2
cee, moo, 10
ceil, gimp, 4
cero, yank, 22
chain, ingot, 6
char, dibs, 1
chat, pung, 13
cheer, jolly, 7
chef, purs, 13
clad, raps, 15
clap, rape, 15
clasp, raphe, 15
clod, rads, 15
cloy, forb, 3
cob, ser, 16
cobb, free, 3
cod, set, 16
cog, sew, 16
cogon, sewed, 16
coin, wich, 20
col, fro, 3
cold, frog, 3
colt, frow, 3
commy, secco, 16
coo, see, 16
coon, seed, 16
cop, ugh, 18
cord, frug, 3
core, wily, 20
cork, wile, 20
corky, wiles, 20
cos, sei, 16
cot, oaf, 12
cot, win, 20
cote, winy, 20
cows, semi, 16
cox, sen, 16
coy, oak, 12
coy, wis, 20
coz, wit, 20
cozy, wits, 20
craal, penny, 13
crag, pent, 13
crap, fuds, 3
credo, shute, 16
creel, perry, 13
crib, lark, 9
crop, furs, 3
cry, eta, 2
cry, fub, 3
cry, tip, 17
cub, mel, 10
cubed, melon, 10
cud, men, 10
cum, mew, 10
curl, wolf, 20
curly, wolfs, 20
cushy, wombs, 20
cuss, ogee, 12
cut, won, 20
czar, dabs, 1
da, he, 4
da, if, 5
da, li, 8
da, xu, 20
dab, khi, 7
daff, linn, 8
dah, lip, 8
dak, lis, 8
dale, spat, 15
dam, urd, 17
damp, road, 14
danio, herms, 4
dank, hero, 4
dap, het, 4
dap, rod, 14
dash, olds, 11
date, spit, 15
dated, spits, 15
daw, lie, 8
daw, urn, 17
dawk, lies, 8
dawn, hear, 4
dawted, splits, 15
daze, spot, 15
dazed, spots, 15
de, ef, 1
de, hi, 4
de, no, 10
de, op, 11
deb, zax, 22
dee, eff, 1
dee, noo, 10
deed, noon, 10
deer, effs, 1
defy, stun, 15
dei, him, 4
dei, nos, 10
dei, opt, 11
del, hip, 4
del, tub, 16
des, eft, 1
des, tui, 16
dew, nog, 10
dex, noh, 10
dex, tun, 16
dey, hic, 4
dib, pun, 12
dib, vat, 18
did, pup, 12
did, vav, 18
dido, pupa, 12
didos, pupae, 12
die, vaw, 18
dig, pus, 12
din, ins, 5
din, jot, 6
dip, pub, 12
diva, vans, 18
djin, ions, 5
do, it, 5
do, pa, 12
do, xi, 20
dodo, juju, 6
dodo, papa, 12
doff, parr, 12
dog, pas, 12
dog, tew, 16
dogs, pase, 12
dol, pax, 12
doll, whee, 19
dolls, wheel, 19
dols, jury, 6
dolt, grow, 3
dom, jus, 6
dom, pay, 12
don, its, 5
don, jut, 6
don, ted, 16
dopa, whit, 19
dopy, whir, 19
dor, pad, 12
dory, grub, 3
doxy, grab, 3
drab, gude, 3
drib, mark, 9
drip, guls, 3
drips, octad, 11
dry, tho, 16
dub, rip, 14
dud, eve, 1
dug, jam, 6
dui, oft, 11
duly, nevi, 10
dun, rib, 14
dune, ribs, 14
dup, rid, 14
dupe, rids, 14
durr, riff, 14
dye, fag, 2
dyed, tout, 16
eat, mib, 8
eats, pled, 11
eau, oke, 10
eaux, okeh, 10
eaux, soil, 14
ebbs, roof, 13
ebony, uredo, 16
eche, kink, 6
eches, kinky, 6
ef, hi, 3
ef, no, 9
ef, op, 10
eff, noo, 9
efs, nob, 9
eft, tui, 15
egad, moil, 8
egg, moo, 8
ego, mow, 8
eh, lo, 7
eh, or, 10
el, ho, 3
el, nu, 9
el, ta, 15
eld, hog, 3
eld, tas, 15
elds, numb, 9
elf, tau, 15
elk, nut, 9
elm, hop, 3
elm, tab, 15
els, gnu, 2
els, nub, 9
em, go, 2
em, mu, 8
em, ow, 10
em, we, 18
eme, mum, 8
emit, weal, 18
ems, sag, 14
emu, owe, 10
en, ox, 10
end, foe, 1
eng, foh, 1
eng, irk, 4
eng, rat, 13
eng, vex, 17
envy, rail, 13
er, na, 9
er, re, 13
ere, huh, 3
erg, nap, 9
erg, ret, 13
ern, vie, 17
erne, rear, 13
err, ree, 13
errs, reef, 13
ers, nab, 9
ers, ref, 13
es, ma, 8
eses, mama, 8
espy, then, 15
et, la, 7
et, od, 10
et, pe, 11
et, sh, 14
et, ti, 15
eta, fub, 1
eta, tip, 15
etas, shog, 14
etch, pens, 11
eth, pes, 11
etui, odes, 10
ewe, mem, 8
ewe, wow, 18
ex, ha, 3
ex, oh, 10
ex, pi, 11
ex, un, 16
eyas, smog, 14
eye, gag, 2
fa, id, 3
fa, to, 14
fa, up, 15
fad, nil, 8
fad, tor, 14
fad, ups, 15
fade, tors, 14
fadge, torus, 14
fado, torc, 14
fagot, touch, 14
fake, toys, 14
fang, jerk, 4
fas, jew, 4
fas, tog, 14
fat, nib, 8
fay, tom, 14
faze, tons, 14
fed, uts, 15
feed, poon, 10
feet, pood, 10
fen, pox, 10
fet, pod, 10
few, tsk, 14
fey, poi, 10
fib, run, 12
fibs, rune, 12
fido, knit, 5
figs, ruse, 12
fills, lorry, 6
fils, lory, 6
fin, lot, 6
fir, lox, 6
fir, ora, 9
firs, rude, 12
fit, orc, 9
fizz, knee, 5
fizzy, kneed, 5
flap, sync, 13
flap, yeti, 19
flu, oud, 9
flu, yen, 19
foam, lugs, 6
fob, ire, 3
fob, ran, 12
fog, lum, 6
fog, ras, 12
fogs, rase, 12
foh, irk, 3
foh, rat, 12
foh, vex, 16
fohn, lunt, 6
folk, iron, 3
fon, pyx, 10
fons, raze, 12
fop, oxy, 9
for, lux, 6
for, rad, 12
fou, pye, 10
fou, rag, 12
fox, raj, 12
foys, pyic, 10
foys, rake, 12
frag, sent, 13
frena, wiver, 17
frere, serer, 13
fry, sel, 13
fub, tip, 14
fud, pen, 10
fug, lam, 6
fug, zoa, 20
fuji, pets, 10
fumy, lase, 6
fun, lat, 6
fur, lax, 6
fur, she, 13
fusion, layout, 6
fuze, tins, 14
gab, kef, 4
gad, oil, 8
gaen, keir, 4
gal, kep, 4
gale, kepi, 4
ganja, kerne, 4
gassy, smeek, 12
gat, kex, 4
gel, kip, 4
gel, try, 13
ghat, tung, 13
gib, sun, 12
gid, sup, 12
gids, supe, 12
gie, yaw, 18
gift, surf, 12
gig, mom, 6
gig, yay, 18
gin, mot, 6
ginny, motte, 6
gip, pry, 9
gip, sub, 12
gip, yah, 18
gird, pram, 9
girl, prau, 9
gled, vats, 15
glib, jole, 3
glib, zebu, 19
gnar, hobs, 1
gnarl, xeric, 17
gnat, tang, 13
gnu, nub, 7
go, mu, 6
go, ow, 8
go, we, 16
goa, mug, 6
goad, samp, 12
goas, same, 12
gobo, were, 16
gobs, sane, 12
goby, sank, 12
god, owl, 8
god, sap, 12
god, wet, 16
golem, murks, 6
golly, murre, 6
goo, wee, 16
good, weet, 16
goon, weed, 16
gor, sad, 12
gowk, owes, 8
gox, mud, 6
gox, wen, 16
goys, sake, 12
green, terra, 13
grog, whew, 16
guff, mall, 6
gul, mar, 6
gul, thy, 13
gulf, marl, 6
gulfs, marly, 6
gulls, marry, 6
gum, mas, 6
gummy, masse, 6
gun, mat, 6
gunny, matte, 6
guts, mazy, 6
guy, mae, 6
gybe, umps, 14
gym, sky, 12
ha, oh, 7
ha, pi, 8
ha, un, 13
hade, slop, 11
hae, lei, 4
haes, pima, 8
hag, lek, 4
hah, oho, 7
hah, pip, 8
haj, vox, 14
haji, slut, 11
ham, piu, 8
hap, let, 4
hap, pix, 8
hark, levo, 4
has, pia, 8
hat, lex, 4
hats, sled, 11
haw, lea, 4
haw, pie, 8
hawk, pies, 8
hay, pig, 8
he, if, 1
he, li, 4
he, xu, 16
heil, limp, 4
hem, row, 10
hen, spy, 11
hep, lit, 4
hep, spa, 11
her, ifs, 1
her, rob, 10
hern, urea, 13
hes, roc, 10
het, rod, 10
hew, old, 7
hewn, liar, 4
hex, lib, 4
hex, ole, 7
hi, no, 6
hi, op, 7
hid, tup, 12
hide, stop, 11
him, nos, 6
him, opt, 7
hin, not, 6
hin, sty, 11
hint, stye, 11
hints, styed, 11
hip, tub, 12
hips, tube, 12
ho, nu, 6
ho, ta, 12
hob, tan, 12
hod, tap, 12
hods, tape, 12
hog, tas, 12
hogg, tass, 12
hoggs, tasse, 12
hop, tab, 12
hot, ova, 7
hotel, ovals, 7
hoys, take, 12
hub, obi, 7
hue, vis, 14
huff, repp, 10
huic, naoi, 6
hum, via, 14
hun, rex, 10
hut, red, 10
hymn, nest, 6
hyp, jar, 2
ibex, pile, 7
ice, keg, 2
icy, kea, 2
id, to, 11
id, up, 12
idem, snow, 10
ids, jet, 1
ids, nix, 5
ids, tod, 11
if, li, 3
if, xu, 15
ifs, rob, 9
ilex, rung, 9
ilk, rut, 9
ill, loo, 3
imp, kor, 2
imp, wad, 14
in, jo, 1
ink, pur, 7
inkier, purply, 7
inks, jolt, 1
inn, zee, 17
ins, jot, 1
ion, out, 6
ire, ran, 9
irk, rat, 9
irk, vex, 13
is, oy, 6
it, pa, 7
it, xi, 15
itch, tens, 11
its, jut, 1
its, ted, 11
ivy, obe, 6
izar, jabs, 1
jay, rig, 8
jee, too, 10
jeed, toon, 10
jehu, tore, 10
jerky, snath, 9
jet, nix, 4
jet, tod, 10
jeu, toe, 10
jew, tog, 10
jib, poh, 6
jiff, poll, 6
jiffs, polly, 6
jimmy, posse, 6
jin, ons, 5
jin, pot, 6
jinni, potto, 6
jinns, potty, 6
job, van, 12
jobs, vane, 12
joey, puke, 6
jog, vas, 12
jogs, vase, 12
john, punt, 6
johns, punty, 6
jole, zebu, 16
jug, pam, 6
juju, papa, 6
jun, pat, 6
jun, wha, 13
jura, when, 13
jus, pay, 6
jut, ted, 10
ka, oe, 4
ka, si, 8
kae, sim, 8
kaes, sima, 8
kat, sib, 8
kay, yom, 14
khan, spiv, 8
kip, try, 9
knar, lobs, 1
knur, ruby, 7
koa, ose, 4
koas, wame, 12
kop, wab, 12
kor, wad, 12
kors, wade, 12
kos, wae, 12
la, od, 3
la, pe, 4
la, sh, 7
la, ti, 8
lab, ode, 3
lac, peg, 4
lad, til, 8
lallan, pepper, 4
lam, zoa, 14
lane, peri, 4
lane, shul, 7
lang, perk, 4
lang, shun, 7
lap, ods, 3
lap, pet, 4
lar, shy, 7
las, pew, 4
later, shaly, 7
latex, shale, 7
law, pea, 4
law, tie, 8
lawn, pear, 4
lax, she, 7
lea, pie, 4
lean, pier, 4
led, von, 10
let, pix, 4
leu, voe, 10
ley, pic, 4
li, xu, 12
lib, ole, 3
lie, urn, 9
limy, rose, 6
lin, rot, 6
ling, spun, 7
link, spur, 7
linum, rotas, 6
liny, rote, 6
lion, rout, 6
lit, spa, 7
lo, or, 3
loaf, twin, 8
loam, rugs, 6
lob, ore, 3
loch, ruin, 6
log, rum, 6
log, two, 8
loop, psst, 4
lop, ors, 3
lowe, ruck, 6
lox, ora, 3
luau, raga, 6
lube, zips, 14
luffs, rally, 6
lug, ram, 6
lum, ras, 6
luna, pyre, 4
luny, rate, 6
lutea, pyxie, 4
lux, rad, 6
lye, nag, 2
manful, thumbs, 7
mar, thy, 7
may, oca, 2
me, wo, 10
meet, wood, 10
mem, wow, 10
mho, nip, 1
mho, wry, 10
mi, so, 6
mid, yup, 12
mills, sorry, 6
milt, plow, 3
mim, sos, 6
mir, sox, 6
mis, soy, 6
mix, sod, 6
moa, yam, 12
mocha, suing, 6
mod, yap, 12
mog, sum, 6
mol, pro, 3
mola, prod, 3
molas, surgy, 6
mold, prog, 3
molt, prow, 3
moly, sure, 6
mom, yay, 12
mott, yaff, 12
mu, ow, 2
mu, we, 10
much, sain, 6
mud, wen, 10
muff, sall, 6
muffs, sally, 6
mulch, sarin, 6
mule, sark, 6
mumm, sass, 6
mumms, sassy, 6
mun, sat, 6
munch, satin, 6
mus, say, 6
mut, wed, 10
muumuu, weewee, 10
na, re, 4
nab, ref, 4
nae, rei, 4
nae, vim, 8
nap, ret, 4
nay, rec, 4
nee, off, 1
nil, tor, 6
nil, ups, 7
nill, torr, 6
nils, tory, 6
nip, wry, 9
nisi, toyo, 6
nix, tod, 6
no, op, 1
nod, ope, 1
nod, zap, 12
noggs, tummy, 6
noh, tun, 6
nome, tusk, 6
nor, ops, 1
nor, tux, 6
nos, opt, 1
not, sty, 5
nth, yes, 11
nu, ta, 6
nulls, tarry, 6
nun, tat, 6
nutty, tazze, 6
oaf, win, 8
oafs, ugly, 6
oak, wis, 8
oar, wiz, 8
oat, sex, 4
od, pe, 1
od, sh, 4
od, ti, 5
odd, pee, 1
odd, shh, 4
odd, zoo, 11
odor, peps, 1
ods, pet, 1
oe, si, 4
oh, pi, 1
oh, un, 6
ohm, pin, 1
ohm, uns, 6
ohms, pint, 1
oho, pip, 1
ohs, pit, 1
oka, yuk, 10
okeh, soil, 4
olla, rood, 3
om, us, 6
on, ut, 6
one, sri, 4
ons, pot, 1
opal, step, 4
ope, zap, 11
open, stir, 4
ops, tux, 5
orb, rue, 3
ordo, twit, 5
oud, yen, 10
ow, we, 8
owl, sap, 4
owl, wet, 8
oxim, udos, 6
oxter, vealy, 7
pa, xi, 8
pac, teg, 4
pah, who, 7
par, why, 7
pas, tew, 4
pat, wha, 7
paw, tea, 4
pawn, tear, 4
pe, sh, 3
pe, ti, 4
pea, tie, 4
pean, tier, 4
pecan, tiger, 4
pee, shh, 3
pee, zoo, 10
peed, zoon, 10
pele, tipi, 4
pelt, show, 3
pep, tit, 4
pepo, tits, 4
peri, shul, 3
perk, shun, 3
phew, wold, 7
phi, wop, 7
pi, un, 5
pily, slob, 3
pin, uns, 5
piny, vote, 6
pixy, slab, 3
ploy, sorb, 3
ply, sob, 3
prex, wyle, 7
prex, yang, 9
primero, sulphur, 3
proa, surd, 3
pry, sub, 3
pry, yah, 9
pull, typp, 4
pulpy, varve, 6
puls, vary, 6
pun, vat, 6
puna, tyre, 4
punk, tyro, 4
pup, vav, 6
put, zed, 10
pya, veg, 6
pye, rag, 2
pyic, rake, 2
qua, wag, 6
quay, wage, 6
quey, wake, 6
rah, zip, 8
rap, vet, 4
rat, vex, 4
ratan, vexer, 4
ray, zig, 8
rei, vim, 4
rho, sip, 1
rum, two, 2
rye, tag, 2
salp, wept, 4
sap, wet, 4
sawn, wear, 4
sax, web, 4
sec, wig, 4
sera, wive, 4
sh, ti, 1
sheer, tiffs, 1
shh, zoo, 7
sic, uke, 2
six, yod, 6
slag, unci, 2
slam, unco, 2
sneer, toffs, 1
star, tubs, 1
steeds, tuffet, 1
steer, tuffs, 1
sub, yah, 6
sue, yak, 6
swop, wast, 4
syn, yet, 6
sync, yeti, 6
teloi, whorl, 3
to, up, 1
ton, upo, 1
tor, ups, 1
typy, vara, 2
wyle, yang, 2

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