- macOS High Sierra - Apple
- Emacs (Text Editor)
- Python 3.6 (プログラミング言語)
入門 Python 3 (Bill Lubanovic (著)、斎藤 康毅 (監修)、長尾 高弘 (翻訳)、オライリージャパン)の7章(プロのようにデータを操る)、7.3(復習問題)4、5、6.を取り組んでみる。
Python 3
#!/usr/bin/env python3 print('7-4') a = '''My kitty cat likes %s, My kitty cat likes %s, My kitty cat fell on his %s And now thinks he's a %s.''' print(a % ('roast beef', 'ham', 'head', 'clam')) print('7-5') letter = '''Dear {salutation} {name}, Tank you for your letter. We are sorry that our {product} {verbed} in your {room}. Please note that it should never be used in a {room}, especially near any {animals}. Send us your receipt and {amount} for shipping and handling. We will send you another {product} that, in our tests, is {percent}% less likely to have {verbed}. Tnak you for your support. Sincerely, {spokesman} {job_title}''' print('7-6') response = dict(salutation='SALUTATION', name='NAME', product='PRODUCT', verbed='VERBED', room='ROOM', animals='ANIMALS', amount='AMOUNT', percent='PERCENT', spokesman='SPOKESMAN', job_title='JOB_TITLE') print(response) print(letter.format(**response))
入出力結果(Terminal, Jupyter(IPython))
$ ./sample2.py 7-4 My kitty cat likes roast beef, My kitty cat likes ham, My kitty cat fell on his head And now thinks he's a clam. 7-5 7-6 {'salutation': 'SALUTATION', 'name': 'NAME', 'product': 'PRODUCT', 'verbed': 'VERBED', 'room': 'ROOM', 'animals': 'ANIMALS', 'amount': 'AMOUNT', 'percent': 'PERCENT', 'spokesman': 'SPOKESMAN', 'job_title': 'JOB_TITLE'} Dear SALUTATION NAME, Tank you for your letter. We are sorry that our PRODUCT VERBED in your ROOM. Please note that it should never be used in a ROOM, especially near any ANIMALS. Send us your receipt and AMOUNT for shipping and handling. We will send you another PRODUCT that, in our tests, is PERCENT% less likely to have VERBED. Tnak you for your support. Sincerely, SPOKESMAN JOB_TITLE $
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