- macOS Mojave - Apple
- Emacs (Text Editor)
- Python 3.7 (プログラミング言語)
入門 Python 3 (Bill Lubanovic (著)、斎藤 康毅 (監修)、長尾 高弘 (翻訳)、オライリージャパン)の7章(プロのようにデータを操る)、7.3(復習問題)7-4、5、6.を取り組んでみる。
Python 3
#!/usr/bin/env python3 print('4.') print( '''My kitty cat likes %s, My kitty car likes %s, My kitty cat fell on his %s And now thinks he's a %s.''' % ('roast beef', 'ham', 'head', 'clam') ) print('5.') letters = '''Dear {salutation} {name}, Thank you for your letter. We are sorry that our {product} {verbed} in your {room}. Please note that it should never be used in a {room}, especially near any {animals}. Send us your receipt and {amount} for shipping and handling. We will send you another {product} that, in our tests, is {percent}% less likely to have {verbed}. Thank you for your support. Sincerely, {spokesman} {job_title}''' print('6.') response = {'salutation': 'Salutation', 'name': 'Name', 'product': 'Product', 'verbed': 'Verbed', 'room': 'Room', 'animals': 'Animals', 'amount': 'Amount', 'percent': 'Percent', 'spokesman': 'Spokesman', 'job_title': 'Job_title'} print(letters.format(**response)) print('おまけ。') print('Literal String interpolation(フォーマット済み文字列リテラル)') salutation = 'Salutation' name = 'Name' salutation = 'Salutation' name = 'Name' product = 'Product' verbed = 'Verbed' room = 'Room' animals = 'Animals' amount = 'Amount' percent = 'Percent' spokesman = 'Spokesman' job_title = 'Job_title' letters1 = f'''Dear {salutation} {name}, Thank you for your letter. We are sorry that our {product} {verbed} in your {room}. Please note that it should never be used in a {room}, especially near any {animals}. Send us your receipt and {amount} for shipping and handling. We will send you another {product} that, in our tests, is {percent}% less likely to have {verbed}. Thank you for your support. Sincerely, {spokesman} {job_title}''' print(letters1) print(letters.format(**response) == letters1)
入出力結果(Terminal, Jupyter(IPython))
$ ./sample2.py 4. My kitty cat likes roast beef, My kitty car likes ham, My kitty cat fell on his head And now thinks he's a clam. 5. 6. Dear Salutation Name, Thank you for your letter. We are sorry that our Product Verbed in your Room. Please note that it should never be used in a Room, especially near any Animals. Send us your receipt and Amount for shipping and handling. We will send you another Product that, in our tests, is Percent% less likely to have Verbed. Thank you for your support. Sincerely, Spokesman Job_title おまけ。 Literal String interpolation(フォーマット済み文字列リテラル) Dear Salutation Name, Thank you for your letter. We are sorry that our Product Verbed in your Room. Please note that it should never be used in a Room, especially near any Animals. Send us your receipt and Amount for shipping and handling. We will send you another Product that, in our tests, is Percent% less likely to have Verbed. Thank you for your support. Sincerely, Spokesman Job_title True $
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