- macOS Mojave - Apple (OS)
- Windows 10 Pro (OS)
- IntelliJ IDEA CE(Community Edition) (IDE(統合開発環境))
- Kotlin (プログラミング言語)
Head First Kotlin: A Brain-Friendly Guide (Dawn Griffiths(著)、David Griffiths(著)、O'Reilly Media)のChapter 5(subclasses and superclasses - Using Your Inheritance)、Code Magnets(141)の解答を求めてみる。
open class Animal { open val image = "" open val food = "" open val habitat = "" var hunger = 10 open fun makeNoise() { println("The Animal is making a noise") } open fun eat() { println("The Animal is eating") } open fun roam() { println("The Animal is roaming") } } open class Canine : Animal() { override fun roam() { println("The Canine is roaming") } } class Wolf : Canine() { override val image: String = "wolf.jpg" override val food = "meat" override val habitat = "forests" override fun makeNoise() { println("Hooooowl!") } override fun eat() { println("The Wolf is eating $food") } } fun main() { val a = Animal() val c = Canine() val w = Wolf() a.makeNoise() a.eat() a.roam() println() c.makeNoise() c.eat() c.roam() println() w.makeNoise() w.eat() w.roam() }
The Animal is making a noise The Animal is eating The Animal is roaming The Animal is making a noise The Animal is eating The Canine is roaming Hooooowl! The Wolf is eating meat The Canine is roaming Process finished with exit code 0
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