- macOS Mojave - Apple (OS)
- Emacs (Text Editor)
- Windows 10 Pro (OS)
- Visual Studio Code (Text Editor)
- Python 3.7 (プログラミング言語)
Head First はじめてのプログラミング ―頭とからだで覚えるPythonプログラミング入門 (Eric Freeman(著)、嶋田 健志(監修)、木下 哲也(翻訳)、株式会社オライリー・ジャパン)を9章(ファイルの保存と取得 - 永続性)の自分で考えてみよう(398ページ)の解答を求めてみる。
Python 3
#!/usr/bin/env python3 with open('lib.txt') as f: template = f.read() verb_ing = input('VERB_ING: ') noun = input('NOUN: ') adjective = input('ADJECTIVE: ') text = template.replace('VERB_ING', verb_ing) \ .replace('NOUN', noun) \ .replace('ADJECTIVE', adjective) with open('lib.out.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(text)
$ cat input1.txt <verb_ing> <noun> <adjective> $ ./sample1.py < input1.txt VERB_ING: NOUN: ADJECTIVE: $ cat lib.out.txt The first thing that stands between you and <verb_ing> your first, real, piece of <noun>, is <verb_ing> the skill of breaking problems down into achievable <adjective> actions that a <noun> can do for you. Of course, you and the computer will also need to be <verb_ing> a common <noun>, but we'll get to that topic in just a bit. $
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