- macOS Mojave - Apple (OS)
- Emacs (Text Editor)
- Windows 10 Pro (OS)
- Strawberry Perl (WindowsのPerlの言語処理系)
- Visual Studio Code (Text Editor)
- Perl 5.28 (プログラミング言語)
初めてのPerl 第7版 (Randal L. Schwartz(著)、brian d foy(著)、Tom Phoenix(著)、近藤 嘉雪(翻訳)、嶋田 健志(翻訳)、オライリージャパン)の13章(ディレクトリ操作)、13.4(練習問題)3の解答を求めてみる。
#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use v5.18; use Cwd; say '3.'; while (1) { print "ディレクトリ名を入力: "; chomp(my $dir = <STDIN>); last if $dir eq 'q'; $dir = $ENV{HOME} if $dir =~/^\s*$/; say 'The current working directory is ', getcwd(); opendir my $dh, $dir or die "Cannot open $dir: $!"; for (sort readdir $dh) { say $_; } }
$ ./sample3.pl 3. Wide character in print at ./sample3.pl line 11. ディレクトリ名を入力: The current working directory is /Users/{username}/.../perl/初めてのPerl/ch13 . .. .CFUserTextEncoding .DS_Store ... .vscode Applications Desktop Documents Downloads Dropbox IdeaProjects Library Movies Music ... Wide character in print at ./sample3.pl line 11, <STDIN> line 1. ディレクトリ名を入力: tmp The current working directory is /Users/{username}/.../perl/初めてのPerl/ch13 . .. a.txt z.txt Wide character in print at ./sample3.pl line 11, <STDIN> line 2. ディレクトリ名を入力: .. The current working directory is /Users/{username}/.../perl/初めてのPerl/ch13 . .. ch1 ch10 ch11 ch12 ch13 ch2 ch3 ch4 ch5 ch6 ch7 ch8 ch9 Wide character in print at ./sample3.pl line 11, <STDIN> line 3. ディレクトリ名を入力: . The current working directory is /Users/{username}/.../perl/初めてのPerl/ch13 . .. output.txt sample1.pl sample2.pl sample3.pl sample3.pl~ tmp tmp.txt Wide character in print at ./sample3.pl line 11, <STDIN> line 4. ディレクトリ名を入力: /opt The current working directory is /Users/{username}/.../perl/初めてのPerl/ch13 . .. local Wide character in print at ./sample3.pl line 11, <STDIN> line 5. ディレクトリ名を入力: /opt/local The current working directory is /Users/{username}/.../perl/初めてのPerl/ch13 . .. Library bin etc include lib libexec man sbin share var www Wide character in print at ./sample3.pl line 11, <STDIN> line 6. ディレクトリ名を入力: abcde The current working directory is /Users/{username}/.../perl/初めてのPerl/ch13 Cannot open abcde: No such file or directory at ./sample3.pl line 18, <STDIN> line 7. $ ./sample3.pl 3. Wide character in print at ./sample3.pl line 11. ディレクトリ名を入力: q $
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