

  1. 英語は絶対、勉強するな!―学校行かない・お金かけない・だけどペラペラ 鄭 讃容(著)
  1. 英語は絶対、勉強するな! 2
  2. 聞き取り・書き取り用CD付 英語は絶対、勉強するな!―学校行かない・お金かけない・だけどペラペラ 金 淳鎬 (原著, 翻訳)
  3. 小学生からの英語は絶対、勉強するな!―学校行かない・お金かけない・だけどペラペラ 宮本 尚寛 (翻訳)
  4. 英語は絶対、勉強するな! 超初級編 (CD付)
  5. 英語は絶対、勉強するな!―学校行かない・お金かけない・だけどペラペラ 初級編
  6. 英語は絶対、勉強するな! 中級編
  7. 英語は絶対、勉強するな!応用編

今日、英英辞典(Collins Cobuild Advanced Dictionary Collins Cobuild (編集))で引いた単語数、241語。

  1. conduct
  2. erupt
  3. adjoin
  4. urine
  5. candidates
  6. social climbing
  7. kneel
  8. pin
  9. dough
  10. deposit
  11. graphite
  12. enamel
  13. casting
  14. gelignite
  15. salvo
  16. quarry
  17. bully
  18. swan-off
  19. blizzard
  20. drifts
  21. moors
  22. rugged
  23. crisscrossed
  24. brow
  25. fingered
  26. Aha
  27. Fatigue
  28. spill
  29. devise
  30. detention
  31. glory
  32. deadly
  33. accuracy
  34. materialised
  35. overall
  36. subconscious
  37. dagger
  38. tractor
  39. trailer
  40. delved
  41. sackful
  42. lottery
  43. plight
  44. inevitably
  45. enthralled
  46. proximity
  47. drawing
  48. ammunition
  49. trait
  50. neuter
  51. bathe
  52. dye
  53. fixer
  54. bloodbath
  55. bubble bath
  56. swimming bath
  57. Turkish bath
  58. nursing
  59. unremitting
  60. weedkillers
  61. roof rack
  62. toast rack
  63. infirm
  64. racking
  65. aunt
  66. province
  67. organic
  68. Semitic
  69. faith
  70. snort
  71. asylum
  72. chest of drawers
  73. commute
  74. homeward-
  75. chunk
  76. bind over
  77. constrain
  78. convention
  79. enzyme
  80. fole
  81. gras
  82. pâté
  83. geese
  84. in-depth
  85. coverage
  86. subordinate
  87. clause
  88. compound
  89. deranged
  90. persecution
  91. guilt complex
  92. inferiority complex
  93. bulletin
  94. taunted
  95. rueful
  96. penetrating
  97. barn
  98. scuttled
  99. shooting
  100. shot
  101. quarter
  102. studied
  103. case study
  104. greedy
  105. drug-ridden
  106. household
  107. decimal
  108. billow
  109. shall
  110. sailing
  111. shore
  112. bowler
  113. nil
  114. shark-infested
  115. paddle-steamer
  116. mighty
  117. shaggy-haired
  118. tunelessly
  119. thrashing
  120. toadstool
  121. beast of burden
  122. preside
  123. seeped
  124. painstaking
  125. cracked
  126. cracking
  127. Package
  128. Olympia
  129. crack cocaine
  130. undercover
  131. craic
  132. blank verse
  133. soloist
  134. free-flowing
  135. flattered
  136. consoling
  137. blustery
  138. dropped
  139. blew
  140. meadows
  141. rolling
  142. negligence
  143. deduct
  144. vice-chancellor
  145. glance
  146. nasty
  147. hymn
  148. composer
  149. jargon
  150. inflamed
  151. decongestant
  152. monotone
  153. punctuation
  154. proclaimed
  155. destructive
  156. loading
  157. High Commissioner
  158. imploring
  159. stubborn
  160. Aunt
  161. pottery
  162. lump sum
  163. grateful
  164. immense
  165. rid
  166. amendment
  167. undermines
  168. impair
  169. perpetrate
  170. cradle
  171. superhuman
  172. frescoes
  173. Accommodation
  174. wander
  175. treaty
  176. stuck
  177. queueing
  178. aggression
  179. dearly
  180. bump
  181. paid
  182. sick pay
  183. substantial
  184. dividend
  185. piper
  186. madman
  187. ailing
  188. parchments
  189. issuing
  190. High Commission
  191. freight
  192. impose
  193. commonwealth
  194. porch
  195. weep
  196. bonfire
  197. gasp
  198. shroud
  199. porous
  200. squirrel
  201. horrify
  202. debris
  203. hatchet
  204. lo
  205. non-commissioned
  206. coyote
  207. herringbone
  208. tweed
  209. lining
  210. hard-pressed
  211. decent
  212. bloke
  213. bureaucrat
  214. solicitor
  215. oppressive
  216. Polyunsaturated
  217. fare
  218. enhanced
  219. anorexia
  220. fatigue
  221. eczema
  222. psychic
  223. perception
  224. raid
  225. grocery
  226. irresponsible
  227. comb
  228. controversy
  229. dial
  230. anxiously
  231. pardon
  232. spurs
  233. wellington
  234. resounded
  235. disruptive
  236. sip
  237. cultivated
  238. correspondent
  239. carbohydrate
  240. Congress
  241. spout

視覚と聴覚の融合のための本題のステップ4は目標通りDVD(Full House)を鑑賞。

PodcastはCNN 10 (video) - CNNのCNN10 - 9/19/19を鑑賞。

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