

  1. 英語は絶対、勉強するな!―学校行かない・お金かけない・だけどペラペラ 鄭 讃容(著)
  1. 英語は絶対、勉強するな! 2
  2. 聞き取り・書き取り用CD付 英語は絶対、勉強するな!―学校行かない・お金かけない・だけどペラペラ 金 淳鎬 (原著, 翻訳)
  3. 小学生からの英語は絶対、勉強するな!―学校行かない・お金かけない・だけどペラペラ 宮本 尚寛 (翻訳)
  4. 英語は絶対、勉強するな! 超初級編 (CD付)
  5. 英語は絶対、勉強するな!―学校行かない・お金かけない・だけどペラペラ 初級編
  6. 英語は絶対、勉強するな! 中級編
  7. 英語は絶対、勉強するな!応用編

今日、英英辞典(Collins Cobuild Advanced Dictionary Collins Cobuild (編集))で引いた単語数、398語。

  1. fleshy
  2. pillow
  3. bras
  4. pavement
  5. burglar
  6. dispose
  7. treaty
  8. opinion poll
  9. straw poll
  10. polling
  11. deed pool
  12. hearth
  13. cabin
  14. logging
  15. bearing
  16. shopping
  17. chip shop
  18. coffee shop
  19. corner shop
  20. paper shop
  21. pawn shop
  22. print shop
  23. sex shop
  24. tea shop
  25. talking shop
  26. thrift shop
  27. PR
  28. bury
  29. broke
  30. blister
  31. rubbish
  32. hut
  33. Victorian
  34. grounds
  35. keeper
  36. Masonic
  37. comfort
  38. sergeant
  39. shattering
  40. thigh
  41. stuck
  42. lodging
  43. Expo
  44. exhibition
  45. corrugated
  46. stainless steel
  47. jostle
  48. torrent
  49. name
  50. senator
  51. baptized
  52. baptism
  53. tissues
  54. Newts
  55. limb
  56. Chancellor
  57. bachelor
  58. carton
  59. ankle-deep
  60. crewmen
  61. chancellor
  62. sticks
  63. sag
  64. firebomb
  65. gutted
  66. ceramic
  67. clergy
  68. extort
  69. unison
  70. unions
  71. chant
  72. stir
  73. somewhat
  74. lactic
  75. council
  76. torture
  77. commemorative
  78. geology
  79. lengthy
  80. hooliganism
  81. tuck
  82. safely
  83. phosphorus
  84. Baltic
  85. idyllic
  86. aback
  87. saffron
  88. ochre
  89. deport
  90. feminism
  91. urine
  92. tract
  93. lawnmower
  94. pigment
  95. quartz
  96. granite
  97. postage
  98. barbed wire
  99. top
  100. tactic
  101. philosophic
  102. mourner
  103. roadway
  104. aviation
  105. abhorrence
  106. astray
  107. leading
  108. -led
  109. accustomed
  110. coward
  111. plague
  112. precaution
  113. strives
  114. horrify
  115. watershed
  116. predominantly
  117. contractor
  118. conduct
  119. appointed
  120. stern
  121. electrons
  122. absorbent
  123. corrode
  124. zinc
  125. perishable
  126. flagstone
  127. whisk
  128. jerk
  129. servant
  130. intellectual
  131. burly
  132. exempt
  133. prohibit
  134. show jumping
  135. freezing
  136. barn
  137. shadowy
  138. pronoun
  139. subcontinent
  140. exotic
  141. thin
  142. Helpline
  143. allegiance
  144. Crown
  145. oath
  146. bursting
  147. sworn
  148. suppress
  149. monasteries
  150. monastery
  151. pretty
  152. ecology]
  153. moving
  154. toadstool
  155. unwanted
  156. confiscate
  157. disgust
  158. mid-seasoned
  159. teeter
  160. particle
  161. telecommunications
  162. first-ever
  163. cluster
  164. protons
  165. bump
  166. verdict
  167. cattle
  168. carriage
  169. deceased
  170. opt
  171. sting
  172. supreme
  173. recruits
  174. patrolled
  175. loyalist
  176. plight
  177. interests
  178. famine
  179. subtlety
  180. ashore
  181. confrontation
  182. work-force
  183. rounders
  184. legend
  185. perfect pitch
  186. brisk
  187. high-pitched
  188. low-pitchedstinging
  189. paralysis
  190. paramilitary
  191. endure
  192. exploit
  193. appreciate
  194. pitch
  195. rocky
  196. even1
  197. even2
  198. advisable
  199. headland
  200. fever pitch
  201. dusk
  202. nowhere
  203. pitched
  204. sales pitch
  205. sunscreen
  206. interact
  207. measured
  208. property
  209. governor
  210. evens
  211. keel
  212. make-up
  213. Foundation
  214. texture
  215. stride
  216. contend
  217. training shoe
  218. snowshoe
  219. horsehoe
  220. blacksmith
  221. shod
  222. mother tongue
  223. ox
  224. lighthearted
  225. fiancée
  226. oriented
  227. foster
  228. fortnight
  229. preposition
  230. reckon
  231. diagnosis
  232. windscreen
  233. grope
  234. countrymen
  235. wisdom
  236. yelled
  237. rage
  238. overtake
  239. head-on
  240. Ventian blind
  241. blinding
  242. blindly
  243. colour-blind
  244. article of faith
  245. leap of faith
  246. islander
  247. content1
  248. content2
  249. exit
  250. district
  251. insurrance
  252. High Commission
  253. autobiography
  254. desert
  255. later
  256. latest
  257. disbelief
  258. conspiracy
  259. humiliate
  260. redundancy
  261. substantial
  262. no claims
  263. stake
  264. fraud
  265. engagement
  266. speculate
  267. bookkeeper
  268. excuse
  269. prestigious
  270. expel
  271. fluid
  272. consecutive
  273. ovarian
  274. serviceman
  275. conviction
  276. cow
  277. dmoitory
  278. vaudeville
  279. critic
  280. eldest
  281. scholar
  282. unleaded
  283. Godwin
  284. radicalism
  285. Yusuf
  286. cross-country
  287. preach
  288. archer
  289. compile
  290. caterpillars
  291. rotted
  292. poultry
  293. pipelines
  294. ahastly
  295. classified
  296. guilt
  297. phobia
  298. director-general
  299. compatible
  300. declined
  301. microchip
  302. grievous bodily harm
  303. pinstripe
  304. voluntary
  305. exile
  306. laid
  307. Obesity
  308. riddled
  309. inaccuracies
  310. trousers
  311. gulped
  312. grenade
  313. storefront
  314. rampant
  315. ablaze
  316. eczema
  317. arise
  318. fossil
  319. infinitive
  320. participle
  321. non-finite
  322. resolution
  323. shuttle diplomacy
  324. fury
  325. diplomat
  326. premature
  327. breathtaking
  328. crawl
  329. harvest
  330. time
  331. hurry
  332. nasal
  333. derive
  334. overburened
  335. clearance
  336. condemns
  337. topple
  338. high summer
  339. staggering
  340. rotting
  341. furious
  342. white trash
  343. vein
  344. thug
  345. innocent
  346. cold-bloodshedrage
  347. haunts
  348. feudal
  349. lords
  350. Diplomacy
  351. adventure
  352. reshuffle
  353. M.A.
  354. tropics
  355. freighter
  356. Bolshevism
  357. uproot
  358. bull
  359. fine1
  360. blink
  361. barber
  362. lorry
  363. punctuated
  364. bladder
  365. foul
  366. clumsy
  367. strolling
  368. attic
  369. solution
  370. bleach
  371. impose
  372. editorial
  373. validity
  374. Judaism
  375. Passover
  376. hostile
  377. prejudiced
  378. parliamentary
  379. sovereignty
  380. spotted
  381. nurse
  382. meningitis
  383. shopkeeper
  384. longer
  385. tasty
  386. trapeze
  387. reinforce
  388. ecimals
  389. diplomacyresembles
  390. breed
  391. coverage
  392. compound
  393. persecution
  394. guilt complex
  395. inferiority complex
  396. scour
  397. pad
  398. query

視覚と聴覚の融合のための本題のステップ4は目標通りDVD(Full House)を鑑賞。

PodcastはCNN 10 (video) - CNNのCNN10 - 10/11/19を鑑賞。

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