

  1. 英語は絶対、勉強するな!―学校行かない・お金かけない・だけどペラペラ 鄭 讃容(著)
  1. 英語は絶対、勉強するな! 2
  2. 聞き取り・書き取り用CD付 英語は絶対、勉強するな!―学校行かない・お金かけない・だけどペラペラ 金 淳鎬 (原著, 翻訳)
  3. 小学生からの英語は絶対、勉強するな!―学校行かない・お金かけない・だけどペラペラ 宮本 尚寛 (翻訳)
  4. 英語は絶対、勉強するな! 超初級編 (CD付)
  5. 英語は絶対、勉強するな!―学校行かない・お金かけない・だけどペラペラ 初級編
  6. 英語は絶対、勉強するな! 中級編
  7. 英語は絶対、勉強するな!応用編

今日、英英辞典(Collins Cobuild Advanced Dictionary Collins Cobuild (編集))で引いた単語数、341語。

  1. chlorine
  2. checker
  3. patron
  4. cardboard
  5. swear
  6. suppression
  7. monasteries
  8. vague
  9. ecological
  10. fast-moving
  11. drumming
  12. fungus
  13. recrossed
  14. coach
  15. colliery
  16. wrecker
  17. property
  18. undisguised
  19. brink
  20. particles
  21. laser
  22. neutrons
  23. off-beam
  24. goose bumps
  25. euphoria
  26. coroner
  27. cowboy
  28. baggage car
  29. boxcar
  30. cremate
  31. stinging
  32. paralysis
  33. paramilitary
  34. endure
  35. exploit
  36. appreciate
  37. pitch
  38. rocky
  39. even1
  40. even2
  41. even3
  42. contended
  43. shoe
  44. padding
  45. tongue
  46. harmony
  47. spiritual
  48. truce
  49. due
  50. blind
  51. faith
  52. cold comfort
  53. afford
  54. creature comforts
  55. horse-drawn
  56. outnumber
  57. contents
  58. visa
  59. District
  60. glue
  61. commonwealth
  62. commission
  63. late
  64. familiarity
  65. remake
  66. perception
  67. psychic
  68. claim
  69. raid
  70. tired
  71. contract
  72. calf
  73. pilgrim
  74. exhibitions
  75. city hall
  76. town hall
  77. hall of residence
  78. entrance hall
  79. music hall
  80. critics
  81. Mother Nature
  82. devoted
  83. niece
  84. scholars
  85. convert
  86. vodka
  87. archers
  88. compiled
  89. counter-argument
  90. feed
  91. therapy
  92. proceeding
  93. penal
  94. elaborate
  95. microchips
  96. reconvert
  97. bodily
  98. bar code
  99. Highway Code
  100. machine code
  101. morse code
  102. postcode
  103. zip code
  104. Congressman
  105. pin-striped
  106. tweed
  107. revolutionary
  108. sedentary
  109. dismissive
  110. bathing suit
  111. birthday suit
  112. boiler suit
  113. trouser suit
  114. remainder
  115. hurl
  116. allege
  117. breach
  118. complaint
  119. finite
  120. non-finite
  121. stunt
  122. mid-
  123. diplomacy
  124. diplomats
  125. resume
  126. avert
  127. breath-taking
  128. crawled
  129. volk
  130. folk
  131. stanza
  132. disastrous
  133. congestion
  134. freight
  135. air traffic control
  136. illicit
  137. solemn
  138. poverty
  139. stagger
  140. intent
  141. garbage
  142. trash
  143. blood
  144. tropical
  145. dilapidated
  146. pagan
  147. goddess
  148. proceed
  149. commitment
  150. shed
  151. calf-deep
  152. secretariat
  153. bulls
  154. finest
  155. twitch
  156. barber shop
  157. glider
  158. Lorries
  159. rumble
  160. filthy
  161. pothole
  162. clumsily
  163. withstand
  164. dusty
  165. dribs and drabs
  166. trailer
  167. stain
  168. sanction
  169. correspondent
  170. valid
  171. Hebrew
  172. Jewish
  173. anti-Semitic
  174. unchallenged
  175. disillusionment
  176. bug
  177. gangway
  178. mid-afternoon
  179. shopkeepers
  180. overprotective
  181. sobbed
  182. filling
  183. drum roll
  184. rolling
  185. sausage roll
  186. faeces
  187. conditional
  188. competence
  189. fraction
  190. watery
  191. breeding
  192. seasoned
  193. seasoning
  194. enzyme
  195. complex
  196. bloodshed
  197. Congress
  198. scouring
  199. jot
  200. launch pad
  201. fleshy
  202. pillow
  203. bras
  204. pavement
  205. burglar
  206. dispose
  207. treaty
  208. opinion poll
  209. straw poll
  210. polling
  211. deed pool
  212. hearth
  213. cabin
  214. logging
  215. bearing
  216. shopping
  217. chip shop
  218. coffee shop
  219. corner shop
  220. paper shop
  221. pawn shop
  222. print shop
  223. sex shop
  224. tea shop
  225. talking shop
  226. thrift shop
  227. PR
  228. bury
  229. broke
  230. blister
  231. rubbish
  232. hut
  233. Victorian
  234. grounds
  235. keeper
  236. Masonic
  237. comfort
  238. sergeant
  239. shattering
  240. thigh
  241. stuck
  242. lodging
  243. Expo
  244. exhibition
  245. corrugated
  246. stainless steel
  247. jostle
  248. torrent
  249. name
  250. senator
  251. baptized
  252. baptism
  253. tissues
  254. Newts
  255. limb
  256. Chancellor
  257. bachelor
  258. carton
  259. ankle-deep
  260. crewmen
  261. chancellor
  262. sticks
  263. sag
  264. firebomb
  265. gutted
  266. ceramic
  267. clergy
  268. extort
  269. unison
  270. unions
  271. chant
  272. stir
  273. somewhat
  274. lactic
  275. council
  276. torture
  277. commemorative
  278. geology
  279. lengthy
  280. hooliganism
  281. tuck
  282. safely
  283. phosphorus
  284. Baltic
  285. idyllic
  286. aback
  287. saffron
  288. ochre
  289. deport
  290. feminism
  291. urine
  292. tract
  293. lawnmower
  294. pigment
  295. quartz
  296. granite
  297. postage
  298. barbed wire
  299. top
  300. tactic
  301. philosophic
  302. mourner
  303. roadway
  304. aviation
  305. abhorrence
  306. astray
  307. leading
  308. -led
  309. accustomed
  310. coward
  311. plague
  312. precaution
  313. strives
  314. horrify
  315. watershed
  316. predominantly
  317. contractor
  318. conduct
  319. appointed
  320. stern
  321. electrons
  322. absorbent
  323. corrode
  324. zinc
  325. perishable
  326. flagstone
  327. whisk
  328. jerk
  329. servant
  330. intellectual
  331. burly
  332. exempt
  333. prohibit
  334. show jumping
  335. freezing
  336. barn
  337. shadowy
  338. pronoun
  339. subcontinent
  340. exotic
  341. thin

視覚と聴覚の融合のための本題のステップ4は目標通りDVD(Full House)を鑑賞。

PodcastはCNN 10 (video) - CNNのCNN10 - 10/8/19を鑑賞。

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