

  1. 英語は絶対、勉強するな!―学校行かない・お金かけない・だけどペラペラ 鄭 讃容(著)
  1. 英語は絶対、勉強するな! 2
  2. 聞き取り・書き取り用CD付 英語は絶対、勉強するな!―学校行かない・お金かけない・だけどペラペラ 金 淳鎬 (原著, 翻訳)
  3. 小学生からの英語は絶対、勉強するな!―学校行かない・お金かけない・だけどペラペラ 宮本 尚寛 (翻訳)
  4. 英語は絶対、勉強するな! 超初級編 (CD付)
  5. 英語は絶対、勉強するな!―学校行かない・お金かけない・だけどペラペラ 初級編
  6. 英語は絶対、勉強するな! 中級編
  7. 英語は絶対、勉強するな!応用編

今日、英英辞典(Collins Cobuild Advanced Dictionary Collins Cobuild (編集))で引いた単語数、465語。

  1. coverage
  2. spat
  3. fainted
  4. shin
  5. Various
  6. fantasy
  7. nobility
  8. New Testament
  9. parable
  10. manuscript
  11. shirk
  12. preached
  13. grew
  14. variations
  15. tony
  16. archbishop
  17. thymus
  18. astrologer
  19. equation
  20. thumbs-up
  21. subtitle
  22. pledge
  23. Viking
  24. lifelong
  25. EMU
  26. association
  27. converse
  28. solely
  29. ruin
  30. Diana
  31. hump
  32. blink
  33. Pelican
  34. Brief
  35. feed
  36. stylistic
  37. gaze
  38. anti-depressant
  39. complacent
  40. agent
  41. specification
  42. Beirut
  43. lead1
  44. lead2
  45. witty
  46. validity
  47. ideal
  48. disdain
  49. contempt
  50. Judaism
  51. Jew
  52. Passover
  53. incorporate
  54. communist
  55. chronic
  56. rheumatoid arthritis
  57. ambition
  58. conspiracy
  59. complaint
  60. humiliate
  61. substantial
  62. no claims
  63. stake
  64. coincidence
  65. bull terrier
  66. pit bull terrier
  67. certain1
  68. certain2
  69. skia
  70. elite
  71. herd
  72. labrador
  73. trail
  74. descent
  75. hatchback
  76. murmur
  77. hurt
  78. seasoned
  79. flour
  80. varnish
  81. toffee
  82. glory
  83. deadly
  84. accuracy
  85. comprise
  86. ostrich
  87. tortoise
  88. snail
  89. pea
  90. prawns
  91. suburb
  92. glucose
  93. numeral
  94. subordinate
  95. deranged
  96. spectacular
  97. -sounding
  98. servant
  99. old maid
  100. jolt
  101. theft
  102. stern
  103. procession
  104. mirth
  105. mule
  106. renew
  107. mouth
  108. sentiment
  109. Congress
  110. endorsement
  111. pulse
  112. ingredient
  113. burst
  114. sheer
  115. unification
  116. fined
  117. amphetamine
  118. -speed
  119. councillors
  120. deluded
  121. grin
  122. paramedic
  123. parcel
  124. confiscate
  125. highly strung
  126. strung out
  127. grant
  128. misunderstood
  129. trainer
  130. shoe
  131. Wailing Wall
  132. altar
  133. mocking
  134. Senate
  135. baptism
  136. neglect
  137. line up
  138. varied
  139. windshield
  140. brushed
  141. overtake
  142. collided
  143. articulated
  144. compromise
  145. hardliner
  146. confront
  147. delivery
  148. miseries
  149. agony
  150. spine
  151. republican
  152. sensation
  153. padding
  154. collar
  155. tongue
  156. truce
  157. cold comfort
  158. creature comforts
  159. non-commissioned
  160. Devereux
  161. issue
  162. Complaints
  163. High commission
  164. forefront
  165. saffron-robed
  166. Buddhist
  167. culminate
  168. fraud
  169. prodigious
  170. flair
  171. playwright
  172. re-establish
  173. prosperity
  174. depict
  175. monarchy
  176. condemnation
  177. christen
  178. modesty
  179. snooze
  180. onerous
  181. watercolour
  182. free-standing
  183. long-standing
  184. Congressman
  185. prosperous
  186. cardboard
  187. Hippocratic oath
  188. hurl
  189. terraced
  190. vivacity
  191. somehow
  192. enclosed
  193. parallel
  194. Boers
  195. redundant
  196. diversify
  197. still1
  198. still2
  199. still3
  200. disillusionment
  201. owe
  202. infinite
  203. parliamentary
  204. lyrical
  205. paramount
  206. casting
  207. graphite
  208. enamel
  209. Lyons
  210. Alps
  211. prestigious
  212. treaty
  213. opinion poll
  214. straw poll
  215. record
  216. Greens
  217. polling
  218. deed poll
  219. tumultuous
  220. axe
  221. prosecute
  222. District Attorney
  223. hip flask
  224. Thermos
  225. vacuum
  226. degenerated
  227. upright
  228. Clare
  229. Galety
  230. vain
  231. glazed
  232. stare
  233. mill
  234. outgoing
  235. geese
  236. rooster
  237. snook
  238. verse
  239. ode
  240. Hallelujah
  241. dawn chorus
  242. astronomy
  243. enterprise
  244. famed
  245. playing
  246. blonde
  247. tragic
  248. stunning
  249. mid-
  250. breathtaking
  251. crawl
  252. volk
  253. folk
  254. stanza
  255. disastrous
  256. poverty
  257. wisp
  258. lap
  259. puffed
  260. saved
  261. uncivilized
  262. kidney
  263. rampant
  264. ablaze
  265. sever
  266. billow
  267. rank
  268. fast-growing
  269. repressed
  270. pro-government
  271. relled
  272. chap
  273. biologists
  274. calling
  275. blackhead
  276. prime
  277. minister
  278. ethical
  279. rivalry
  280. prejudice
  281. deep-rooted
  282. strip cartoon
  283. nerve
  284. accident prone
  285. takeover
  286. farewell
  287. bidding
  288. allegiance
  289. crown
  290. oath
  291. bursting
  292. sowrn
  293. monk
  294. vessel
  295. receivership
  296. brink
  297. predominantly
  298. cabin
  299. clustered
  300. disgust
  301. mid-season
  302. hostility
  303. teeter
  304. electron
  305. preposition
  306. beam
  307. moutainside
  308. goose bumps
  309. post-election
  310. euphoria
  311. cow
  312. cock-and-bull story
  313. Punch and Judy show
  314. dare
  315. accomplishment
  316. devastating
  317. barbaric
  318. act
  319. delivering
  320. platitude
  321. impoverish
  322. drive
  323. vigorous
  324. Jupiter
  325. ex-
  326. wear
  327. stumpy
  328. tar
  329. council
  330. torture
  331. majesty
  332. commemorative
  333. serve
  334. humanity
  335. Crawley
  336. vanish
  337. brooding
  338. bronze
  339. lads
  340. geometry
  341. pentagon
  342. prominently
  343. Toads
  344. scrub
  345. hymn
  346. parliament
  347. banner
  348. jargon
  349. defeated
  350. nervous wreck
  351. letter
  352. conciliatory
  353. spinal
  354. strenuous
  355. supple
  356. texture
  357. dialling tone
  358. ring tone
  359. Bookkeepers
  360. squad
  361. linseed oil
  362. Jewish
  363. Gothic
  364. Old Testament
  365. nasty
  366. whether
  367. cramp
  368. toll
  369. compassion
  370. fuselage
  371. whisk
  372. cannabis
  373. ward
  374. blender
  375. platform
  376. verbal
  377. disqualify
  378. attendance
  379. soup
  380. Critic acid
  381. petroleum
  382. liquor
  383. recurrent
  384. booklet
  385. walnut
  386. yeast extract
  387. immense
  388. irresponsible
  389. Buddhism
  390. Umberto Eco
  391. article of faith
  392. leap of faith
  393. penal
  394. Shetlands
  395. migrants
  396. Sikhism
  397. cobbled
  398. outpouring
  399. burglary
  400. primrose
  401. stun
  402. slap
  403. Mercedes
  404. macaw
  405. perch
  406. saloon
  407. likelihood
  408. whim
  409. topple
  410. Truman
  411. high summer
  412. staggering
  413. bamboo
  414. stapler
  415. plythene
  416. steak
  417. Artaud
  418. seasoning
  419. enrol
  420. enclosing
  421. cave
  422. Lascaux
  423. complex
  424. rubbish
  425. infinitive
  426. participle
  427. tense
  428. finite
  429. hypnotherapist
  430. clergy
  431. high priest
  432. taunt
  433. rueful
  434. penetrating
  435. barn
  436. scuttle
  437. shoting
  438. shot
  439. hip
  440. club
  441. Cancer
  442. Capricorn
  443. bull
  444. starve
  445. hops
  446. yeast
  447. dweller
  448. sake
  449. retains
  450. faith
  451. Anastasia
  452. taxied
  453. Casey
  454. hull
  455. swish
  456. trace
  457. inward
  458. sentence
  459. clause
  460. ill-
  461. profited
  462. Gosh
  463. unsightly
  464. hoarding
  465. sweeping

視覚と聴覚の融合のための本題のステップ4は目標通りDVD(Full House)を鑑賞。

PodcastはCNN 10 (video) - CNNのCNN10 - 11/4/19 を鑑賞。

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